Thursday, February 26, 2009

Why I Don't Travel Alone with the Boys Very Often

Jack and Will are spending the weekend with my parents! Woo Hoo! The boys were definitely doing the happy dance fact, Jack was literally jumping down the hallway to class this morning with excitement. And, oh the cheers, when I picked the boys up from school and we headed to meet Gramma halfway.

I think I have failed to mention Will's obsession with cars, trucks, and buses. Well, suffice it to say, the love runs deep. DEEP, y'all. And it serves as great entertainment while we drive around town for Will to look out the window and notice all of the various transportation vehicles. Not so much on the interstate. For an hour and a half, I listened to "FIRETRUCK! FIRETRUCK! TRUCK, MOMMY! TRUCK!" Nonstop. NONSTOP! Do you know how many 18 wheelers there are on the interstate?!?! Way too many! Just about every other vehicle. I know because Will pointed out every single one AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS! And don't even think that you can ignore his observations. Oh, no ma'am! He will scream "FIRETRUCK! FIRETRUCK! TRUCK, MOMMY! TRUCK!" until you respond with some appropriate truck conversation that goes beyond "Oh yes, that is a truck!" No, that doesn't cut it. He will continue to scream "FIRETRUCK! FIRETRUCK! TRUCK, MOMMY! TRUCK!" until you provide a more detailed dialog about the truck. Each and every one of them, every single time. I kept waiting for Will to need to take a breath so the "FIRETRUCK! FIRETRUCK! TRUCK, MOMMY! TRUCK!" would stop, but apparently a 2 year old only needs to take a breath once every 27 minutes. I counted. It makes for a very, very loooong 1 1/2 hours.

And in between all the delightful truck conversation, Jack was providing his own form of food for thought, such as "Can we go to Washington DC so I can go to the White House and meet our new president Barack Obama?", "I am so glad that I am a mammal 'cause I get to be live born! Being a reptile and being born out of an egg would be soooo boring!", and "Who is my stepmother?".

Have I mentioned I am not a very good traveler?

So we met Mom/Gramma at our usual McDonald's and let the boys play on the playground. I wished Mom good luck for the ride home, trying to relay Will's enthusiasm for trucks. She just smiled the "my grandchild is the most adorable thing, what could he do that would ever be annoying" smile that only Grammas have, and off they went.

And it wasn't 5 minutes later, before my cell phone rings with Mom laughing hysterically about how Will has been screaming "FIRETRUCK! FIRETRUCK! TRUCK, GAMMAMMA! TRUCK!" nonstop since they left McDonald's. And I just smiled the "I get to listen to my music in peace and quiet all the way home" smile that only free-for-the-weekend Mammas have!


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