Monday, February 23, 2009

I Just Think I Have Lots of Gray Now

Brent got a new car this past summer. And it is nice....sporty, fast, all the bells and whistles, and did I mention FAST! He has it professionally cleaned about every other week and in between he washes it himself. It still smells brand new. The car is Brent's baby. I am allowed to drive it for quick errands, but only if I promise to park it far, far away from all the other cars and then hike the 5 miles to my destination. It is a special priviledge for Jack to get to ride in the car and one that he relishes; however, Jack must be in freshly laundered clothes and clean shoes! Absolutely no food or drink allowed in the car. Will, on the other hand, has never seen the inside of the car, nor is he allowed within a 3 feet radius of said car. Until this weekend...

We took my car into the dealership on Saturday to have the brakes changed, which meant we cruised around in Daddy's car all day. Oh, was Will excited! He knew it was a special time and was dancing with joy in the driveway to ride in Daddy's car. While riding, I would turn around to see him looking out the window with a big smile on his face. Brent asked if they would like to "go fast" and of course they did! Oh, the giggling, the laughing, the cheering. And for the rest of the weekend, Will would yell "GO FAST DADDY! GO FAST!" (over and over and over again). And when Brent would oblige, Will and Jack would just laugh and cheer and clap their hands.

And I saw my future in about 11 and 14 years flash before me. And it was not pretty. Alot of worrying. And alot more gray hair.


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