Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

It has been a fun birthday! After I dropped Jack off at school, Will and I headed to the gym for my power class. We were doing our quad track, which is the second track of the one hour class, when the stereo blew out. So for the rest of the class, we didn't have music and worked out to the instructor counting out the beats to us. Very interesting, but a good workout nonetheless. We came home and I put Will down for a nap, which turned out to be a short nap and seriously interrupted my planned computer time. And then one of the highlights of the day: two of my good friends surprised me with flowers, a card, and a tray of chocolate goodies! They are the best =)! Brent got home at 4 this afternoon and we enjoyed some fun family time. Pizza and King Cake for dinner tonight. It was so sweet having my guys sing "Happy Birthday" to me, especially Will who sang with such gusto Happy Birthday to Daddy! And then of course it became a game to sing to Daddy instead of Mommy. All in all a good day!


Blythe said...

So glad you had a good birthday. Davis and I went to pick up your gift. He picked out the color, which was hysterical because he was very adamant about it. I wanted to go with another, but he insisted. He also had to carry it to the register to make sure I bought that one for you. He was very proud of himself. I will likely mail it on Monday.

I love the pictures of the boys and Brent. You need to email those to mom and the girls, I am not sure if mom has mastered the blog login thing yet. I always show her your blog when I see her.

Amy said...

Well, I am honored to have my present hand selected by Davis. How sweet that he had such a strong out girl!

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