Thursday, February 5, 2009

Buy This


And for the record: Sharpie Markers are pure evil!

Yesterday, Will comes to show me his new 'pamp', which is 'stamp' in Will-speak. He had taken a red sharpie marker and scribbled all over his hand. I snatch the marker away (along with the blue marker that big brother was coloring with on a piece of paper on the bedspread), reminded them of the rules of which markers they could use and where they could use them (this speech might have been delivered a bit crazy lady-ish), and ran downstairs to gather all Sharpies in the house and put them on a high, high, shelf. I felt relieved that the only damage done was to Will's hand; he considered it a red badge of honor.

Later as I was changing his diaper, I saw that Will had gotten the red ink on his new elephant shirt! One of my favorite shirts for him! Once again, we had the "no markers on your shirt" talk, I took the shirt off of him, and headed to the laundry room. I was just sick because I had heard horror stories of the meeting between Sharpie ink and heirloom clothing, with the smocked outfit ending up in the trash. I didn't hold out much hope for the elephant play shirt.

So I sprayed the shirt liberally with Shout Advanced Gel, rubbed it in really well with a toothbrush, and let it sit for several hours. Then before I went to bed, I put the shirt through the stain wash cycle of my new washing machine. Checked on the shirt first thing this morning and miracle of miracles...
As I was pulling the shirt out of the washer, Will said, "No! No! No marker shirt! No! No!" Apparently, the crazy lady speech made quite the impression.

So, the next time you are at the grocery store, do yourself a favor and buy this! Before I was a Zout loyalist, but no more. I am now a Shout Advanced Gel girl! I've heard that this stuff even works on stains that have already been through the dryer.

Next up, Shout Advanced Gel and I will be battling a very stubborn ring-around-the-collar! Stay tuned for next week's exciting laundry episode! I'm sure the suspense is just killin' ya!


Beverly B said...

The shirt looks great! I'm so glad the marker came out. I'm buying some of that.

Amy said...

I was doing the happy dance!

LL said...

Good to know. Am making a note.

Amy said...

Yes, you are definitely going to need this! Save your self the tears and elbow grease =).

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