Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Well, let me dust off the blog page and try to post an update...ya know it is bad when your husband, who visits the blog infrequently, says "When are you going to update it?!?!" Thanks to my 3 faithful readers who haven't given up on me =).

It has been a busy week...yesterday was the boys' last day of school until after the new year. All 3 of us are still sad about this. So between Will's party last Tuesday and Jack's Christmas program yesterday, I was one busy little elf trying to get everything done. And I am finished with all the Christmas shopping! This has to be a record for me, which actually makes me a wee bit worried that I have forgotten something so important and obvious; I'm usually down to the wire. I guess we'll see on Christmas morning if in fact I was really done!

Brent thought it would be fun to take the boys to see some Christmas lights on Saturday night and assigned me the task of finding this extravaganza! Well, short of driving from neighborhood to neighborhood to see the same ole lighted deer from Home Depot (I can say this because we have 2 of them in our front yard), I was kinda at a loss. And then I happened upon a wonderful light display at a local college. And it was a pretty good show! For $5 a carload, you can drive around campus to see the light displays, pet the goats at the petting zoo, ride the ponies around in a circle, see some cute Christmas vignettes (and Will was quick to point out that they were actually on trucks!), visit with Santa, and roast marshmallows & sip hot chocolate around a campfire. I was pretty proud of myself for discovering this little gem. I think it will become a new family tradition!

Jack's preschool Christmas program was yesterday and it was precious! Mom and I were brought to tears at the look of pride, excitement, and joy on Jack's face. The program, which included the Young 5s class and all of the 4 year old classes, lasted about half an hour with the children singing 8 songs for parents, grandparents and friends. Jack's favorite song was Ring the Bells, Sing Noel and my favorite was God Bless All. I am posting a few pics of him singing with his class, but I'm irritated because the red eye correction tool isn't working correctly so all of the children look like little devils. Oh well, you get the idea.

After the program, we went back to Jack's classroom so that the children could give the parents their Christmas gifts. I was so excited about the hand print wreath! How cute is that! And I am just a sucker for anything with their little hand prints on them. This wreath and Will's angel plate will be treasures for years to come. And a bonus picture of Jack with his ladies, M (in black) and E (in red). He says that E is his girlfriend! E loves animals just as much as Jack does (if that is even possible)!

Well, I guess that is all for now. I promise I will be around more now that school is fact, I'm sure I'll have lots more of the boys' antics/trouble making to share now that they have so much free time on their hands. And believe me, Jack and Will are the best of friends and definitely partners in crime!


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