Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Do Brent and I look a little battle weary?!?! We have just returned from the Children's Mass for Christmas Eve service. I do believe we earned some stars in our crowns tonight. We get to church and there is not a seat to be found...standing room only! Now personally, I want to go to my usual Sunday morning pew and ask the new faces who are sitting in my seat if they would please move. Don't they know this is my seat...every Sunday morning? But since that is so totally un-Christian and I think Jesus might have something to say about that, I didn't. However, some very nice Christian family slid over giving us two spots for all four of us to sit in. And we were grateful for that little room; beats standing any day!

The boys were doing great behavior-wise until about midway through the mass. That's when they broke out the coloring book and crayons. And I'll never take coloring books and crayons to church again! "He's coloring on my page!" "MINE! MINE!" (Yes, Will did yell so that the entire congregation now knew that those crayons were his.) "I want to color!" "MINE! MINE!" Brent tried the ole "Santa is watching," which was met by a very quick retort from Jack about this being church, and Santa did not go to church. Brent, being the quick thinker that he is, said, "Well, Jesus is watching." Jack, being a quicker thinker than Brent, pointed to the crucifix above the alter and said "Jesus can't see me, he is dead. Look, he is up there, dead." Yes, we definitely need to do a little work on our religious teachings, but how do you even respond to that?

Brent finally had to take both of them out (and don't tell Santa, but I think I heard him take God's name in vain under his breath. Can you do that in Church? I mean, I was literally waiting for the lightening strike. Seriously!!!). I am sure the family next to us was regretting the decision to slide over. So, Brent and the boys spent the rest of the mass in the back. But on the bright side, we were in good company....there were alot of parents hauling their children out of mass, too!

Off to wrap a few stocking stuffers...Merry Christmas to you and your family!



Blythe said...

Looks like you had a wonderful holiday and birthday! I hope the boys liked their gifts. Davis and Sid beat the crap out of the penguin for know breaking him in and Davis has been playing with his turtle all weekend.

The monkey cupcakes are precious.

Amy said...

They love the gifts! Will has been riding the grasshopper all over the house and then today we took it outside for another spin. Hopefully, thank you notes will be coming shortly.

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