Friday, December 5, 2008

Comcast Cable--Take Two

Today, the boys and I made our second trip to Comcast cable to pick up an HD compatible digital box. Yesterday, we went out in the cold and rainy weather so that I could have an excuse to get my cooped-up, energetic boys out of the house. We get to Comcast and the customer service rep says they just gave out the last HD box, but a truck was coming in the morning and they would have more tomorrow. So today, the boys and I went back to pick up an HD box. There was a sign on the door that said they were out of all digital boxes, every kind. I went in and verified that they were completely out of all boxes. Of course, "they are very sorry." Well, sometimes "sorry" just doesn't cut it. There should be some consequences when your business fails to provide promised products for 2 days in a row. There should be some punishment that the customer is able to dole out. And I have the perfect one....

A week or so ago, I had to make a special trip to Kroger for milk. We go through so much milk around here that I am considering buying our own cow and teaching Jack how to milk it. I had both boys with me and decided that since we were just going to get 1 item, I didn't need to put them in the grocery cart like I usually do. I go to the 1-15 items express line to pay. Over to the side of our checkout lane is a DVD display and a cardboard Christmas tree full of holiday Peez dispensers. I am the fourth person in line and we have to wait a bit so the boys become "interested" in the displays. Still more waiting. I look to the head of the line and some ding-dong is up there with 25 or more items and apparently there is a problem. Well, of course there is a problem....the ding-dong should have been in the regular check out lane to begin with, this is the express lane, as in FAST. I have said for the hundredth time to the boys, "Put that back. Don't touch, just look!" And still more waiting. By this time Jack has totally rearranged the DVD display. Will has managed to separate the tree from the trunk of the Peez display. Luckily (for Kroger), I caught the tree before 50 or so dispensers scattered all over the floor. At this point, I am irritated. I should have put the boys in a buggy, but then again Kroger should enforce their 1-15 item rule at the express lane.

So Monday afternoon, the boys and I will return to Comcast for the third time to attempt to pick up an HD box. And I better not hear, "I am very sorry, we are out of the HD boxes." Oh no, I am the one who is sorry... sorry for the clean up you'll be doing the rest of the afternoon. Have at it, boys!


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