Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Birthday, Will!

Two years old! WOW! Already? How did that happen?

We had such a fun day today. Will woke up this morning to a chorus of Happy Birthdays from Mommy, Daddy, and Jack. Then he got to open his presents from us, Jack, and Honey & Happy. He got a GeoTrax train set, a Geo Trax remote control train, Disney's Cars DVD, and a very handsome outfit that he wore today (thanks Honey!). We had a leisurely morning...the boys watched Cars and played with the train set. Then around noon we headed to the mall for some birthday fun!

First, we went to Build a Bear Workshop. Jack made a koala bear named Bamboo and Will made a puppy named Starbucks. Last year, we went to Build a Bear for Will's first birthday party; Will had no idea what was going on, but Jack and cousin C had a great time. This year Jack was an old pro and Will caught on quickly to the whole thing.

I just love this! Jack is making a wish on Bamboo's heart before he puts the heart in Bamboo. Isn't the innocence of childhood just precious?!?!

Will adds his heart to Starbucks.

Will gives Starbucks his first bath. He loved this part! What fun to press the pedal and have the air blow on the puppy. And Starbucks looked quite handsome after his grooming!

We got our animals dressed and are waiting to check out. Build a Bear is so much fun! Jack is already planning what animal he wants to make at Will's next birthday, so Build a Bear might become a birthday tradition =).

Next, we headed to the food court for Will's favorite...Chik-fil-A nuggets and chocolate milk!

Finally, we took a couple of turns on the carousel. For the first ride, Jack picked out a deer and Will rode a giraffe. This was Will's first time on the carousel and he loved it. What fun to go up & down, up & down, up & down. After we finished the first ride, Will said, "Again! Again!" So we decided to ride just one more time. For the second ride, Will chose a pretty horse and Jack rode an aggressive lion. The lion was hunting the prey just ahead of us...a cute little guy wearing a Santa hat. And Jack's lion almost caught him!

We spent 3 hours at the mall and the boys were wonderful! No fighting, no whining, waiting patiently in line. Just the model children. I had to keep checking to see if these were indeed my children. Once we got home, everyone was tired. So we recharged our batteries during a second viewing of Cars.

What could be better than lying next to your brother & best friend holding your favorite monkey and your new puppy? It's great being 2!

Tonight for dinner we had Will's favorite...spaghetti and meatballs. And then of course, CAKE!

Singing Happy Birthday!

What a big bite of cake! And he ate the whole piece =)!


Who loves cake?!?! ME!!!!!

So this was just round one in the birthday celebration. On Friday, we will celebrate with our cousins C and B at Monkey Joe's. So stay tuned....


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