Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Questionnaire

1. Fresh Tree or Fake Tree
Fresh tree, although I grew up with a fake tree, so really I could go either way.

2. Favorite Ornament
This ornament was given to me by my grandmother. As a child, I would save this as my last ornament to hang and would always find a special place of honor for it on the tree. You can tell how much I love has to be 30 years old and look at its pristine condition!

I just had to share this ornament because it makes me chuckle every time I look at it. One of the many art projects Jack brought home this Christmas season. Notice the look on his face...someone is not happy about dressing up as a fireman! Priceless!

3. Favorite Christmas Song
O Holy Night. But please, just sing it in its original arrangement; don't go and try to jazz it up. You are just "ruining Christmas" as my grandmother would say!

4. Favorite Tradition
Going to the Christmas Eve service at church, but more specifically, singing Silent Night in the dark by candlelight. This is the official start of Christmas for me.

5. Favorite Part of Christmas
The christmas cards! My favorites are the ones with pictures or update letters or both!

6. Favorite Gift Ever Received
As a child, my most memorable gift was a pair of GUESS jeans. I didn't think I would get a pair because Mom said she would never pay $50 for jeans; but lo and behold, Santa put a pair under the tree! Woo Hoo!

As an adult, it would have to be Christmas 2006. We celebrated Christmas that year with our 3 day old son in our arms.

7. Favorite Christmas Cookie
Oreo bon bons. (Technically not a cookie, but it's my blog so I can break the rules!) They are divine! I gave these as teachers' gifts this year and one of Will's teachers called me at home to get the recipe. She said they were the best dessert she has ever had =).

8. Favorite Holiday Dish (excluding dessert)
Sausage balls and cheese grits casserole. We always had them at advent breakfasts when I was in youth group. So good!

9. Favorite Christmas Movie
A Christmas Story. I saw this movie for the first time with a good friend when we were in junior high. We laughed so hard we were rolling on the floor, literally.

10. Favorite Memory
I was 5 years old and Santa Claus came to my house! I was dancing around Santa with excitement, but my 2 year old brother...not so much! And no, he wasn't a relative or friend dressed up. One of the local service clubs was sending Santas to homes for a donation, so my grandmother secretly arranged it. My parents were just as surprised as I was, especially when Santa asked how my Aunt Julie was doing (seems Santa and Julie went to high school together).


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