Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Swimming: Jack's Year Round Sport

Jack has been swimming since he was two.  And I'm not talking about the "Mommy holding toddler while he splashes arms and legs in water" kind of swimming.  I mean the "Toddler is swimming underwater from the pool's steps to Mommy who is 6 feet away" kind of swimming.  We kinda had an inkling early on that swimming might be Jack's thing.  We're quick like that!

This school year, Jack decided that he wanted swimming to be his main sport.  He wasn't interested in the other stuff; he wanted to concentrate on swimming.  Maybe it was the Summer Olympics that spurred this decision because, seriously, after watching Michael Phelps swim, who doesn't have Olympic aspirations?!?!

So we have entered into the world of club swimming.  Jack is in the Junior program, which technically is swim lessons.  But don't you dare call them lessons because "He already knows how to swim"...this is swim practice!  Moving on...  The Junior program is the precursor for moving up to the club swim team.  Brent and I are fine with hanging out in the Junior program until oh, middle school or so, when we'll be ready to commit our Saturdays to day-long swim meets and Jack will be ready to start preparing for high school swimming.

Side Note:  In 2003, Michael Phelps swam in a meet at this club.  Phelps still holds the pool records for the 100, 200, & 500 freestyle, for the 100 & 200 backstroke, for the 100 & 200 butterfly, and for the 200 & 400 Individual Medley.  Pretty cool!

These swim practices are the real deal...two days/week for 45 minutes of swimming.  And I'm talking about lap swimming, IMs, stroke technique work, and more lap swimming.  At one practice, they swam 57 laps (66 laps equals a mile).  There are some days I leave swim practice thinking "better him than me!"  But each and every practice, I'm in awe of what he can do!

Last week, I was sitting in the stands watching practice when Jack's coach called out to him during lap swim.  I'm so far away that I couldn't hear what she was saying, but I saw him swim to the middle of the lane, stop, and wait.  Once all the other swimmers had reached the end of the lane, the coach started demonstrating part of the breast stroke technique, particularly the proper way to pull your arms and how to hold your head.  Then she had Jack demonstrate for the class his breast stroke.  And it was beautiful, ifIdosaysomyself!  And my heart burst with pride for my boy!

And I just had to brag.  Because Mamas are allowed to do that!


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