Thursday, November 8, 2012

Blessed John Paul II

There are several events that highlight the third grade year:  the Chocolate Party, Battle of the Books, the Living Museum, and the All Saints Mass.

Back in September, Jack was given a list of Saints and he was to chose the top 3 that he was interested in studying.  Jack's top 3 choices were 1) Blessed John Paul II (not a Saint yet, but on his way), 2) St. John the Baptist, and 3) St. Jude.  Jack was so excited when he was selected to portray Blessed John Paul II.

The Saint project took us the entire month of October to get ready for because Jack had to first research and write a report on Blessed John Paul II, then we had to dress a paper doll to be representative of his Saint.

This is Jack's Blessed John Paul II doll before he added the facial features.

The third part of the project was to dress as your Saint.  I had borrowed a John Paul II costume from a friend, but it was the white robe, capelet, and beanie that Pope John Paul II wore.

Jack was more interested in the ceremonial dress that Pope John Paul II would wear, so we used this picture as our inspiration when planning his costume.

And this is what we came up with...

He was so proud and we thought he looked fantastic!

On November 1, the school had an All Saints Mass and the third graders came dressed as their Saints and participated in the celebration of the Mass.

The Saints processed in to the congregation singing "When the Saints Go Marching In."

 St. Joseph, Blessed John Paul II, and St. Jude

 As the Saints processed in, they lined up across the altar.  I thought all of the costumes were wonderful!

Jack led the Responsorial Psalm.

A picture with Monsignor after the Mass.

Don't they all look so sweet and holy?

St. Pius X and Blessed John Paul II appear to be good buddies.

This is the outtake!  Blessed John Paul II and St. Pius X boxing while being cheered on by St. Joseph and St. Michael the Archangel.  Do you think this really happens in Heaven?

After Mass, the Saints returned to their classroom and each child gave a presentation about the life of his or her Saint.  

It was a lot of work, but in the end, it was a fun project!  And I've already put the bug in Jack's teacher's ear that Will would love to be Blessed John Paul II in a few years.  Afterall, we already have the costume!


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