Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Out of the Mouth of Will: The Movie Edition

Yesterday, I had a Kindergarten Service Project meeting at school with several other moms and Will's teacher.  Mrs. B comes in and says, "Will had my very favorite intention during morning prayer today!"

And you know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you don't know what in the world could come out of your child's mouth?!?  Well, you do know what could come out of his mouth and that's what worries you!  Yep.

Me:  Oh No!  What did he pray for?

Mrs. B:  Will asked that we pray for "Brad Pitt to continue to make great movies!"

Me:  Brad Pitt!  How does he know who Brad Pitt is?!?!  He's never even seen a Brad Pitt movie!

Mrs. B:  I didn't think he had!  Mrs. M and I started to giggle a little and Will looked at us and said "What?!?!  He is a real person!"  So I asked Will what movie Brad Pitt was in.  And he just looked at me incredulously and said, "Ummm, Shrek!"

So, Brad Pitt, if you are reading then please know you were prayed for yesterday by an entire class of kindergartners, who, with the exception of 1, probably have no idea who you are.

And if you have a free moment today, I'm sure Angelina would appreciate an extra prayer on her behalf as well.



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