Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve 2011

New Year's Eve for us was a lazy day...just the way I like 'em!  We stayed in our pajamas all day, well except for Brent who doesn't understand how anyone can sit around all day and do nothing but relax.  The man needs himself a project!  And Jack finally changed into play clothes late in the afternoon to go outside for target shooting with Brent.  But Will and I definitely declared NYE to be Pajama Day.

Jack told us all day that he was staying up until midnight to ring in the new year.  Will was planning on staying up too, but if last year was any indication, we were doubtful that he would make it.  After dinner, I suggested that Brent take us to Dairy Queen for ice cream sundaes.  I had no idea where the nearest DQ was, but Brent had it all under control.  We decided that we would go during halftime of the Chick-fil-A bowl to help break up the evening and rev up our energy to make it to midnight.  So around 9:30, Will and I threw on clothes (I actually debated about whether or not to get fully dressed since we were only going through the drive thru) and off we went to DQ.  It ends up the nearest Dairy Queen is about 15 minutes away and when we got there it was closed!  Oh no!  Our second choice was McDonald's because they have sundaes and they are always open.  We drive back to the McDonald's closest to our neighborhood and they are closed!  Now we were starting to panic.  Will was in the backseat threatening to cry because "he was so hungry for an ice cream sundae!"  By this time the fuel light was indicating we have no gas so Brent headed to the gas station for a quick fill up.  From the gas station, we could see that the open light for the Yogli Mogli down the street was on.  Yay!  No better way to ring in the New Year than with overpriced yogurt sundaes requiring us to take out a second mortgage.  But there would be no tears on New Year's Eve!

Thankfully, Brent hurried down the street pulling into the parking lot on 2 wheels while yelling at the children to "Get out of the car!  Quick!  QUICK!  Run into the store before they close!"  I have never seen Will move so fast!  In fact, I didn't know little legs could move with such speed!  Will was the first one through the door as the workers were trying to lock up.  They looked at us with the you've-got-to-be-kidding-me look and said "last customers."  Thank you!  In between fits of laughter, I was patting myself on the back for the decision to change clothes.  Could you imagine if I had run into Yogli Mogli like a crazy woman in PAJAMAS?!?!  We promised we would take our order to go and as I was scraping out the last of the strawberries for my yogurt, the guy asked if I wanted him to get more from the back.  No, I wouldn't do that to you, these last 3 strawberry slices will be just fine.

After the sundae adventure, we went outside for our annual fireworks extravaganza.

It was pretty impressive!

Will made it to 11:35 and Jack stayed up with Carson Daly to watch the ball drop in Times Square.  Jack jumped around and cheered at the strike of midnight, excited and proud that he made it to midnight for the second straight year.   Brent tried to wake up Will to join in the celebration but he was still asleep in the vertical position.  Oh well.  There is always next year little guy.

We were all asleep by 12:15.  HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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