Monday, December 19, 2011

Our Trip to Disney World (Part 1)

My parents have a tradition that when a grandchild turns 4 years old, they take him to Disney World.  Just the grandchild and them...can you imagine anything more fun?!?!  Well, this past year the two youngest grandchildren, Will and Brady, both turned 4 so my parents suggested that the ENTIRE family go to Disney World to celebrate.  WOO HOO!!  So in late October, we were headed to DISNEY WORLD...

October had been a crazy month for us.  Brent did alot of traveling with work, the boys were busy with activities, and we were all just plain tired.  So we decided to get to Orlando a few days early for some much needed R & R.  We wanted everyone to be rested and energy levels up before we hit the ground running at Disney.  After a bit of research, we decided that the Nickelodeon Suites Resort looked like a fun place to hang out by the pool, watch some shows, meet some characters and relax.  It turned out to be just perfect as a prelude to Disney.

At the Nickelodeon pool, it is all about the slime.  And for boys, there was nothing cooler than to be doused in yucky green slime!  There were 2 mass slimings each day, and I don't think we missed a single one.  (And by we I mean Jack and Will, of course, because do you really think I'm having green ooze dumped on my head?!?!)

The crowd gathers.  Jack was in the middle of all that.  He strategically placed himself at the best sliming position.  

After the guys in the green rainsuits worked the crowd into a frenzy, here came the slime!

Let's get slimed, oh let's get slimed!  I can still hear that song in my head...a catchy little tune!

The victims:

Each afternoon, there was a pool side show that required audience participation.  And there were plenty of volunteers.

Pick me!  Pick me!  Jack was right in the thick of things hoping to be picked.

Look who is so excited to be "on the stage!" 

 Rallying the crowd.  Nickelodeon is very big on two things: 1) slime and 2) crowd hysteria.

Jack was chosen for the Fill the Bucket game.
Jack's team didn't win the race, but it was alot of fun to participate!

The text message game. 
This game required parent participation as well.  I wasn't so eager to raise my hand, since I had a 'gut feeling' slime would somehow come into play.  But kudos to those parents who aren't party poopers!

Participants had to figure out what the text message said.  If they were wrong...they got slimed!

Moving on.  The third game was Pop the Balloons.
It was another fun game that involved {gasp} more slime and a bit more skill, too.

And what was each winning team's reward, you ask?

Why MORE SLIME, of course!

When we weren't playing at the pool, we saw a Slime Time Live! show and a Spongebob Squarepants show, we met Fan Boy and Chum Chum (Will thought it was hilarious that they wore their underwear on the outside of their pants), we dressed up in our Halloween costumes and went trick or treating around the resort, we played putt-putt golf, and we spent a few hours at the arcade.
Jack and Will had a great time!  And Brent and I enjoyed watching them have fun while having a couple of days to regroup before Disney World.

So stayed tuned...the REAL fun is just getting started!

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