Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy New Year

...and only a week late!  Well, let me be the last one to officially wish you a Happy 2012!  Our year has gotten off to a smooth start.  Brent left for India on New Year's Day and is enjoying the trip now that his "GI meltdown" has passed.  He is there for business and to speak at two conferences.  Yay to Brent for stepping out onto the international conference stage.  But please don't ask me what his presentations (yes, 2 different topics!) are about because I have no idea.  He is even managing to find time to be a tourist.  Yesterday, he and his partner went to the Taj Mahal.


See!  I wouldn't lie to ya...he was there!

Such a joker, he is!

And meanwhile, I'm at home folding laundry.  Jealous!  Well, at least if my life can't be glamorous, then I can be married to someone whose life is!

We had the best time together over the Christmas holidays.  We spent time with family, had fun in the Big Easy, and just enjoyed being together so much that the boys weren't ready to go back to school and I wasn't ready to drop them off.  Will started back on Wednesday and Jack on Thursday, so it was a short week to help ease us back into the school routine.

I am back at the gym trying to run off the holiday pounds, finding time to read again (Yay! here's my 2012 reading list), and in my free time have been adding posts about our December activities.  You might have read about Will's birthday, Christmas, and New Year's Eve, but I've also added some backdated posts about our Operation Christmas Child experience, our Walk Through Bethlehem, and Will's Christmas program.  You aren't contractually obligated to read.

So that wraps up 2011, and I can move on into 2012 with a clear conscious.  I hope you and yours are happy and healthy, and here's to a joyful 2012!


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