Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Will's Christmas Program

Well, I don't even know if I can get a real post out of Will's Christmas program.  The short version:  Will looked adorable standing with the rest of the 3, 4 and 5 year olds in the preschool, Will sang the first 2 songs, and then Will spun around in circles like a ballerina for the rest of the program.  The End.

I should have known something was up because when I asked him what his class would be singing during the program, he couldn't name a single song.  Each time I offered some suggestions of songs, he would say "Oh, I don't remember."  And then Jingle Bell Rock came on the radio and Will was excited because "this is one of the songs that I'll be singing!"

Can you even see him standing on the back row with all of his friends?  You can tell how far back we were...I'm certain that some of these parents camp out for seats because I see the same ones in the front row year after year.

Fortunately, Gramma's camera has a pretty good zoom, so there he is looking cute in his Christmas outfit.

Just a wave Hello to let us know that he sees us.

I didn't get any picture of him singing which is a shame, because one day I will want to remember that he actually did sing Feliz Navidad and Jingle Bell Rock.  And then the children began singing Angels Are Rejoicing and....

Uh oh!  The look of boredom is setting in.  He's not singing anymore.  This can't be good.

And he starts to spin.  Spinning and spinning and spinning.

Still spinning.  The precious, little girl in the black dress, two to the right of Will, is his girlfriend Ava Grace.  Doesn't it look like Ava Grace is chastising Will for not singing?!?!

And I have no more pictures because Will continued to twirl during Happy Birthday Jesus, Three Wise Men, Silent Night, Praise the Lord, He'll Be Coming Down the Chimney, Jingle Bells, and We Wish You a Merry Christmas.

Gramma was afraid that Will would make himself so dizzy that he would fall off of the back of the risers.  Brent leaned over and said, "We have the kid who every other parent is thinking 'well, at least my kid isn't up there twirling in circles!'"  Brent was baffled with where this behavior came from.  I said, "Are you kidding me?!?!  This is your child!"  To which Brent replied, "Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of!"  We were both a bit thankful that Jack wasn't in attendance because he would have been mortified, just MOR-TI-FIED, that Will wasn't standing still and singing like he was supposed to be doing

When I asked Will after the program why he was spinning in circles, Will said, "Umm, I don't know."  Oh, Lord have mercy on me!

He sure is a cutie...Trouble, but adorable nonetheless!


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