Thursday, December 22, 2011

5 years old...

My baby is five years old!  Which is so hard to believe since it seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital.

Five years old is a milestone year in my book...the year one crosses from preschooler to big kid.  Will has so enjoyed being "4 and 3/4" for awhile now, that this morning he asked if he was now "4 and 5 quarters."  No baby, you are just a big, whopping 5!

The morning started off as usual with the opening of presents.  He got a cool cash register from Honey and Happy, which is so appropriate because with Will's love of money we are sure he is going to be a banker.  Gramma and Granddaddy gave Will his very own tub of Legos, which he was excited about because now he doesn't have to play with Jack's, he has his own!  Mommy, Daddy, and Jack gave him a Green Machine. 

Will ran over to Jack and gave him a big hug for such an awesome present!  Brent had a Green Machine when he was a little boy and rode it until the wheels literally fell off, so we are hoping that Will's Green Machine enjoys just as much use.

Will requested doughnuts for breakfast so that is just what we had.

For our special birthday activity, the boys wanted to go back to Disney World for the day.  Me too, guys, me too.  But unfortunately, our money tree in the back yard died in the drought, so we had to come up with Plan B.  Jack suggested we go to the Disney Store to pick out a few Disney treasures and Will thought that sounded like a great idea.  So off we went.

While at Disney World, Will fell in love with Stitch so he had to have Stitch in his pajamas.  Jack chose Oswald the Lucky Rabbit.  I had no idea who this stuffed animal was, but since Jack had just finished reading a biography about Walt Disney, he immediately recognized this rare character as Walt Disney's first cartoon character ever created.  Cool!  They also got a couple of character cups and were happy with their selections.

While we were paying, Jack told the Disney girl that it was Will's birthday so he got a special button.

Nice smile, huh?

For a few weeks, Will has been telling us that he wanted to have lobster for his birthday dinner.  I didn't really give the lobster dinner much credence thinking that by the time his birthday rolled around that Will would select his favorite spaghetti and meatballs.  But Will never changed his mind.  He held strong to a lobster birthday dinner.  We left the Disney Store and went to get our lobsters.

And they were some BIG lobsters.  Brent asked what we were having to go with the lobsters and I replied, "Butter.  We blew the birthday dinner budget on the lobsters, so there will be no sides!"  But on the bright side, there was plenty of lobster for everyone!

We wrapped up the birthday with cupcakes.  

Looking back at the pictures, I realized that Will's cupcake only had 1 candle instead of five.  At that time, it didn't even register.  I was having such a hard time finding cupcakes without any Christmas decorations, that really beggars can't be choosers.  I'll pay more attention next year and add another dollar to Will's therapy jar!

Happy Birthday to our beloved Will!  You bring us more joy, laughter and love than our hearts can hold!
  We love you!


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