Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Some College Football Humor

I came across this article this morning, and got a good laugh.  It will probably send my husband into another football rant, seeing how his team plays in the ACC, but c'est la vie!

Roll Tide Roll!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Just Call Him Beckham

A couple of weeks ago, Jack's school was having a raffle to end the PTA's fundraising drive.  So we bought some tickets and Jack distributed them amongst several items, but what he really, really wanted to win was the Snow Cone Machine.  Well, as these raffle things usually go, he didn't win.  And he was upset.  Mad and sad, sad and mad.  I tried to explain about the odds, but he didn't want to hear it.  I even pointed out how Daddy plays the lottery but never wins.  Who cares.  Jack wanted that snow cone machine.

So the next morning on the way to our soccer games, Jack was still lamenting the snow cone machine when Brent decided to strike a deal.  If Jack scored 2 goals in his soccer game, then Brent would buy him a snow cone machine.  Jack, who is no dummy, thought about it for 2 seconds and then said "Okay!  But what if I score 3 goals?"  For 3 goals, Brent would buy him some flavored syrups.  Sour apple and blue raspberry?  Sure, whatever you want.

Now before you think we "pay" our kids for achievements, think again.  Nobody gets money or toys for good grades, or first place in a swim heat, or whatever.  The reward is seeing the results of your hard work and being proud of the effort.  But this case was different.  Soccer is not really Jack's thing...he is a swimmer.  Jack played soccer when he was 3 and enjoyed running up and down the field, but I don't think he ever touched the ball.  Last year, Jack played again and while he never scored a goal, he was a defensive force.  But he is just not passionate about the game, and we end up talking him into playing each season.  So considering Jack's soccer history, Brent thought he had made a pretty safe bet.  Jack might get lucky and score one goal in the game, leading to much, much celebration on our part.  But 2 goals?  Hmmmm.

Well. Well, well, well.   Can you say SUCKER?!?!?  Cause the joke was on us!  That morning Jack transformed into David Beckham right before our very eyes.  The kid scored 8 goals.  E.I.G.H.T.  Dude!, you've been holding out on us with these soccer skills.  It was so exciting.  Brent, being the coach of the team, had to remain calm and business-like, but you can bet your last dollar that I was the obnoxious, crazy mama hootin & hollerin out there!  And I didn't care one bit.  It was fantastic!  And to see Jack so thrilled was the best part of all.

So, we were now on the hunt for a snow cone machine, and being that I saw some on clearance about 3 weeks ago, I was sweating it out that we were going to be a day late & a dollar short.  But thank you, Best Buy, because there was a bright red, vintage-looking one on that shelf and we had one happy boy.  There weren't any syrups included, and Kroger was out, but these martini syrups worked well.

We invited our friends over for a snow cone party!

 Cheers!  I was in charge of pouring the syrup, which according to Brent, was waaaaay too much.  Oops, rookie mistake!

 Will and his good buddy.  Neither one of them have met a treat they didn't like!

 This is the look of one proud daddy!

It was a great day!  One that may never be repeated, but one that we will never, ever forget!  
We love you Jack!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ten Years Later...

I was sitting at my desk at work that Tuesday morning when Missy came in to tell me and Gail that a plane had crashed into one of the World Trade Center Towers.  What?  How could that happen?  Then the second tower was hit.  And still it didn't register for me.  Because really, who could imagine such intentional horror?  But then the news came that the Pentagon was hit, and I was scared.  I finally understood that our country was under attack, and if they could get to our military headquarters, then we weren't safe.  I needed to see Brent, but he was in class at the law school, and there was no way to get in touch with him.

Ten years later, I still remember every detail of that morning.  And I remember that for the rest of the week we were pretty worthless at work.  We were glued to a small portable TV Gail brought in watching days and days of news coverage.

Ten years later, I have an 8 year old who wants to know all about 9-11.  He's a very mature 8 year old asking very mature questions that deserve honest answers.  And that is what we have been giving him.  The discussions started last week as the students at Jack's school were being prepared for a special remembrance Mass on Friday.  The facts were easily to explain...19 terrorists, 4 planes, 2 towers, 1 pentagon, and 3,000 innocent lives lost.  But the "Why would anyone do that?"  I don't think there will ever be an answer for that one.  The best I could come up with is Evil.  There is evil in this world.  The discussions of 9-11 with Jack led him to want to know about other sad and tragic times in our country's history.  So Brent and I went through all of the dark days in our country's past that we could think of and explained why each event was so sad.  But we were also able to share the bravery, resiliency, and patriotism of our nation's citizens during each event.  How the passengers of Flight 93 became aware that our nation was under attack and as a group fought back against that evil.  And in doing so taught the rest of us that we are all responsible for standing up in the face of evil.  At the school Mass on Friday, Father spoke with the children about free will, God’s gift to us, and the choice we make between behaviors of love and evil.

God's faithfulness to our country was evident to me this morning during Mass.  In the Catholic church, the scripture readings are planned out in a 3 year cycle, meaning that the scripture we were reading today was ordained to be read years ago.  Today's scriptures were about forgiveness.  Father taught about what forgiveness is and is not.  Forgiveness is not about feelings.  Forgiveness is not about forgetting.  Forgiveness is about letting go of the tight grip to hatred and revenge.  Forgiveness is the decision to move forward.  Forgiveness is about working to restore relationships.  It was a beautiful Mass, and I knew it was not a coincidence.  God was speaking to His people.  The closing hymn was America the Beautiful, sung with such emotion by the congregation, that the hairs on my arms stood straight up.

Ten years later, I haven't forgotten.  I will never forget the horrific Evil I witnessed that day.  I will never forget the lives lost on 9-11 or during the years since.  And while I don't think I'll ever be able to answer the "Why?", I know the Lord is asking me to forgive.  To let go of the hatred and need for revenge.  To restore relationships.  So I will pray.  I will pray that those that are in the grip of that Evil will come to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  And that we will all be forgiven and healed.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 
2 Chronicles 7:14

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Peek at Our Week 2011: Week 36

Saturday, September 3

It's our new toy at the lake...the knee board, a precursor to training skis.  I think Will sometimes forgets that he is 4 years old, because if Jack gets to try something new, then by golly, so should he.  Both Jack and Will were able to do a deep water start by themselves, which for a 4 year old is pretty impressive (and added a few more gray hairs for mama).

Sunday, September 4

Our trip to the lake was cut short due to tropical storm Lee.  We figured if it was going to rain the rest of the weekend, then we would rather be rained in at home where we could finish up a few projects.  Like rearranging the guest bedroom furniture and hanging a TV.  

Monday, September 5

It has been a dry summer around here.  So dry that the boys have resorted to doing rain dances to help coax a little water from the heavens.  Thanks to tropical storm Lee, it rained all day long.  We were so thankful and the boys were certain that their rain dances were instrumental in bringing the downpour.

Tuesday, September 6

I am often amazed by Will's confidence.  He woke up this morning excited about a new school year, a new class, new teachers, and meeting new friends.  He knew right where his new classroom was and didn't need any help getting to class from carpool.  And before he got out of the car this morning, he told me that he thought he was the smartest in his class!  So no confidence issues with this one, but humility is another story!

Wednesday, September 7

I am so excited!  I have wanted to do a Beth Moore Bible study for forever, so I was thrilled when I found out that our church was doing one this Fall.  We had our first meeting this morning, and Beth Moore?  A-MA-ZING!  I could have sat there for hours listening to her teach.  And this was just the introductory video.  Looking forward to the journey God has planned.

Thursday, September 8

I love Fall!  My favorite season by far.  This week, the morning temps have been in the low 60s, with that crispness to the air that only Fall can bring.  I have been absolutely giddy!

Friday, September 9

And tradition demands that you start it off with a beer.  So that is just what he does every Friday night!  Brownie points for showing some love for the Tide.  

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Best $6 I've Ever Spent

It was this time last year that I wrote about my/Jack's struggles in learning to tie his shoes.  And I am sure you have been waiting with baited breath all during his first grade year to hear that Jack finally learned how to tie his shoes.  Well, it didn't happen in first grade.  And frankly, Jack was just fine with that.  Couldn't have cared less that he didn't know how to tie his shoes.  He was getting along splendidly, thankyouverymuch.

So summer rolls around and I'm beginning to sweat it out again.  Am I the only mother that has a child going into second grade that can't tie his shoelaces?!?!  Why do I care more than he does?  My dad even tried to work with Jack some this summer.  And I thought surely the man with the patience of Job could teach Jack to tie his shoes.  Dad did make a little bit of progress, but was hampered by the fact that JACK WASN'T THE LEAST BIT INTERESTED IN LEARNING!!!

So here we were on the first day of second grade and thank goodness for the triple knots that I tied, Jack's laces made it through the day.  I have confirmed with several other mothers that indeed, Jack may be the only child in second grade who hasn't mastered this skill.  I relay this information to him.  Is he concerned?  Not at all.  In fact, he informs me that I must be wrong because he is sure there are others who don't know how to tie their shoes.  And I was this close to saying "Show me who.  Name one person."  But I didn't because I was trying to be the adult here.  ha ha

Fast forward a week to Parents Open House at Will's preschool.  I was talking to a mother of one of Jack's friends at school.  She said that her son got 2 tickets taken away at school because he was caught twice walking around with untied shoelaces.  2 tickets!  Not because he didn't know how to tie his shoes but because he was too lazy to do it.  Second grade don't play, y'all.  They're serious about tied shoelaces.  Finally, finally, I knew I had my trump card.  Because if there is one characteristic about my first born that is certain, I mean take-it-to-the-bank certain, it's that he is a rule follower.  He likes to know the rules and follow the rules (well, at least at school he does).

And FINALLY Jack was motivated to learn.  To sweeten the deal, I promised that if he could learn to tie his shoes by the end of the week, I would buy him a Pokemon figure.

I found this site which gives 18 different ways to tie your shoelaces, so I figured if we struck out with one method then we would still have options.  I also watched a few You Tube videos which were good in giving me examples of how to phrase each step in the tying process.  In our attempts before, I found that it was hard for me to explain how to do something that is so second nature that I don't even think about how to do it anymore.

We started on a Saturday with a pair of Brent's Nikes.  Jack had one shoe and I had the other, and we sat side by side at the kitchen table. We worked on the starting knot, realizing that the lace that is in the front of the X is the one that goes behind and through the loop.  Once we had that down, we worked on the finishing knot.  Jack decided he wanted to learn the standard method, and not the bunny ears way that is common, too.  The language that I picked up from the online videos was first make a tree (loop) with one of the laces.  The other lace is the squirrel that runs around behind the tree and through the hole.  Then pull the two loops tight.  Jack got it relatively quickly and we only practiced for 20 minutes on the first day to keep our nerves from becoming frayed.  We were both able to remain calm!

Every morning before school, Jack tied his own shoes and we double knotted them for insurance.  I knew he had mastered the skill when Jack came home from school and said that his shoelaces had come untied during the day and he was able to tie them back by himself.  Happened again at soccer practice and Jack handled it by himself.  I knew we had crossed this hurtle.

So what have I learned?  That just like becoming potty trained, learning to zip up a winter coat, learning to buckle a seat belt, and learning to ride a bike, each skill is mastered at the child's own pace when the child decides he is ready.  I just need to throw my timeline out the window because it only leads to frustration for both of us.  When the child is truly ready, it only takes a few days to master a skill...any longer and he isn't ready.
And of course, a little bit of Pokemon bribery motivation can move mountains!

Goal 39 of 101 in 1001 completed!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Will's First Day of School

This is Will "trying really hard to have a good smile."

Yesterday was Will's first day of pre-K and it was a great day!  He was excited to get to school to see his best buddy, Brody, and his girlfriend, Ava Grace.  He knew where his classroom is and who his teachers are, so he hopped out of the car in carpool line and strolled confidently into school without a look back.

When I picked him up from school, he was one happy kid.  He met two new friends today, Graham and Katherine, and told me that Max wasn't in his class this year.  When they first arrive in the classroom, each child has to check in by signing their name on their own log in sheet.  In May, we will get the entire year's sign in sheets for our child to see how their handwriting has improved.  Will learned that all the letters in his name start at the top of the lines of the paper.  Will got to play at the centers today but he "forgot" which ones he went to.  He drew a picture about his feelings.  When I asked what his feelings were, he said HAPPY!  Mrs. Rohan read The Kissing Hand, such a sweet story about first day of school jitters.  He was wondering this morning if he would have a special job, and this week he is the line leader, a coveted job among the 4 year old crowd.  For snack, they had a special cupcake treat!

Pre-K is a big year at the preschool.  They are working on phonics, handwriting, starting to learn Spanish, getting ready for Kindergarten, and having FUN!!  Can't wait to watch how our baby bird grows and matures this year.

Our baby bird acting like a bird!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Peek at Our Week 2011: Week 35

Saturday, August 27

After a morning of soccer games, it was nice to spend some time lounging at the pool that afternoon.  Love this picture of Will "standing" on the water.  A one in a million shot!

Sunday, August 28

Jack had his first cub scout den meeting this afternoon.  He is going to love the Boy Scouts!  He has already been reading through the Wolf handbook deciding what arrow point activities he would like to try.  After the meeting, we had to run a few errands, so we decided to have a snack date complete with pretzels and icees.  We both love having this one on one time.

Monday, August 29

Who knew the bumblebee and the butterfly were friends?

Tuesday, August 30

Doesn't Jack look so handsome in his cub scout uniform.  We had fun going to the Scout Store, just the two of us, and looking at all of the scout merit badges and pins, camping supplies, and eagle scout awards.  We are so excited to be starting out on the Cub Scout adventure!

Wednesday, August 31

It was Meet & Greet day at the preschool.  Will's teacher are going to be so fantastic for him...both are very energetic, challenging, and fun!  Will had a chance to explore his new classroom and spent time in the block center, the manipulative center, and the listening center.  School starts next Tuesday and I Will can't wait! 

Thursday, September 1

Today was one of those beautiful days.  No carpool duties, Will didn't have school, no errands to run, no need to leave the house at all!  So we didn't.  Will stayed in his jammies until the afternoon and I worked on getting all of the laundry done before the weekend.  I love these no commitment days!

Friday, September 2 

Jack got out of school at noon today, so we loaded up the car and headed to the lake for the Labor Day weekend.  The cousins are meeting us there and we are looking forward to hanging out on the water and watching lots of college football.  Rumor has it that Granddaddy bought a flat screen TV for the cabin.  RTR!