Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What I Did Over Christmas Break by Jack

I love Jack's teacher this year; she really 'gets' him and thinks that Jack is such a smart and fun kid (and I wholeheartedly agree!).  Jack is convinced that he is her favorite =).  At the fall parent-teacher conference, Ms. R mentioned how much she loves Jack's journal entries and showed me her particular favorite.  Today, she sent home his journal (these journals never come home) and asked Jack to share it with us.

The topic was "What I Did Over Christmas Break", very appropriate for the first journal entry after the Christmas holidays.  This Christmas vacation was great fun, so Brent and I couldn't wait to read which one of the many activities won the coveted journal topic ....decorating his first gingerbread house; spending an afternoon at Chuck E Cheese; opening his favorite Christmas gift(s); Gramma, Granddaddy & Mimi coming for Christmas; playing & winning endless games of Monopoly Jr; annihilating his mother in Wii bowling; our New Year's Eve celebration; staying up until midnight to ring in the New Year.  Oh, the possibilities were endless!

So without further ado, I present 

What I Did Over Christmas Break
by Jack

I went to a Wart-thodontist to get my foot checked.  They have to scrape your foot.

 Jack wrote about going to the podiatrist for treatment of his plantar wart!

I'm laughing because other children wrote about going to the beach or going to Grandma's house in Chicago & building an igloo with Grandpa, but poor Jack got to go to the "Wart-thodontist".   Nothing but good times in our family!

I don't know how we'll ever top this one for "What I Did Over Spring Break".