Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 1

This year, I want to start a "Peek at our Week" blog series documenting the day-to-day details of our life.  It wasn't as easy as I anticipated ... apparently we are very boring people!  I'm not promising I can keep this up for all 52 weeks, but I think it will be fun to look back years from now on our ordinary everyday memories.

Saturday, January 1

After all of the midnight celebrating, we enjoyed a lazy morning of just hanging out together.   We spent the afternoon cheering on the Tide!  What an incredible domination!  The final score was 49-7, but really the game wasn't even that close.  Michigan State had no idea what was happening to them.  My favorite quote was from journalist Michael Rosenberg, "I got the sense that the Spartans looked at the Crimson Tide and thought, “Wow!” And the Alabama players looked at the Spartans and thought, “Lunch!”  Roll Tide!

Sunday, January 2

 Will crawled up into my lap because he needed some "lovie time".  As he snuggled closer so that I could rub his back, Will looked at me and said "Mommy, quit breathing in my face."  Oh, well pardon me.

Monday, January 3

Well, what can I say?  It was a delicious holiday season.  Lots of carb-loading and random attendance at the gym.  So today it was back to the fruits & veggies and the cardio & strength training.  A tough (but good) day back at the gym, reminding me how quickly I lose what I don't use. 

Tuesday, January 4

After 2 weeks of blissfully sleeping without the alarm clock, Jack pulled out the backpack and headed back to school.  Will started a new session of gymnastics and he did "awesome."  It finally warmed up a bit this week.  I ventured outside on a walk with Brent and the boys and a long-time neighbor introduced himself to me because it had been "months since he had seen me and was uncertain I still lived here".  Ha ha, he's such a kidder! 

Wednesday, January 5

Surprise!  Gramma and Granddaddy sent treats from their trip to Orlando.  Inside the box were Hedwig (Harry Potter's owl) puppets and candy rocks.  Don't they look like aquarium rocks?!?!  It has been fun to eat rocks this week.

Thursday, January 6

After waiting patiently for the elves to return and clean up the Christmas mess, I finally took down the tree.  We added to our ornament collection this year; my favorite was the beautiful handcarved wooden Santa ornament Honey & Happy brought back from their trip to Russia.  I love our Christmas trees and the memories each ornament holds; it is always such a bummer to have to pack everything away. 

Friday, January 7

The new year brought a job change for Brent!  On January 1, he left the big law firm to become a partner in an IP consulting firm.  The first week was spent attending to the hundreds of little details involved in starting a new company, but as a family, we loved having him home for dinner and a little playtime before bedtime.    


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