Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Kindergarten Graduation

Unbelievable that Kindergarten is over! Jack had a great year; loved his teacher, Mrs. G, and his assistant teacher, Mrs. W, made some great friends, learned alot, and had alot of fun along the way! Couldn't ask for anything more!

On Wednesday, June 2nd, the 48 kindergarteners officially became first graders. All of the families and friends enjoyed a wonderful program.

First, they sang the song "Where It Really Counts" from Charlotte's Web.

Then they recited the ABCs of Kindergarten. Most of the children recited their lines in pairs, but Jack recited the B line all by himself. "B, Buddies! We have 2nd and 6th. Lucky us!" He did a great job.

The final song the children sang was "We're Going to Be Friends" by Jack Johnson and I could hardly keep myself together (thus, no pictures); scenes from Jack's kindergarten year kept flashing through my mind. It is amazing how much growth and maturity happened this year, happened right before my very eyes, and there are times when I just want time to stop so that I can soak in every single detail. Does that happen to you? Do you ever get a nudging that you need to pay close attention and memorize every detail because far too soon, they'll have babies of their own? I just don't want to feel like I missed anything, big or small.

Certificates of Achievement were awarded.
Congratulations from the principal, Mrs. C.

Receiving his certificate from Mrs. W

The happy graduate

The program concluded with a slide show highlighting the whole year. And if I thought the "Friends" song was going to do me in....

There was time to take group pictures after the program and this one was my favorite:

The silly graduates

After the program, we enjoyed a reception honoring the graduates. There was cake, punch, and these special cookies for the graduates.

Normally, Will is all over cake, but he was so put out that there wasn't a cookie for him. Big crocodile tears. He wouldn't even touch his cake until Jack graciously shared some of his cookie with Will. And Will may or may not have nibbled on the edge of Gracie's cookie before Mom caught him.

Jack with his fabulous teacher, Mrs. G. If I could talk her into teaching 1st grade, I sure would do it.

Jack and his best friend, M. M is so cute...every time I saw him this year he would say, "Mrs. B, Jack and I need to have a play date!" And so we would!

I am so proud of my kindergartner and he is so excited to be a first grader!

Watch out First Grade, here we come! And you have alot to live up to!


Blythe said...

I am tearing up just reading it. You are such a great mother and have captured all the moments so wonderfully that Jack and Will are going to be so thankful when they get older. I cannot believe how fast the boys are growing. I love all the pictures! He is so proud of himself. I love it!

Amy said...

Awwww, thanks! Just you wait...Big D will be a kindergartener before you can blink!

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