Wednesday, June 16, 2010

This Is Where You'll Find Us

every afternoon in the our neighborhood pool!

For the next two weeks, Will is taking swimming lessons and he loves it! I think the reason he loves taking lessons so much is that only he gets to take lessons; Will has watched Jack go off to camps and do swim team, activities that only Jack gets to do, so swim lessons are "his" activity and every afternoon, he couldn't be happier when it is time to head to the pool.

Mr. John demonstrating how your hands are to be over your head when you start swimming

And he's off!

I love the splash on the way back to the stairs.

Then they practice kicking by playing the game Red Light, Green Light. Mr. John getting splashed during green light.

The instructors are also teaching a bit of pool safety. Here the children are walking the wall to get safely back to the steps. This is in the form of the Choo Choo game. They are yelling out "Chugga Chugga Choo Choo" as they go along. Will is the loudest one and can be heard Choo-chooing above the rest; the other mothers just laugh!

Another important safety skill is being able to get yourself out of the pool, just in case you fall in.

More swimming to Miss Clarice.

Will floating on his back. Jack likes to tell Will that he is learning to do backstroke, and really, knowing how to float on your back is the first step!

Great job, little fish!
Will loves his new goggles. I put them on him for swim lessons and he wouldn't take them off all afternoon, even when he wasn't swimming!

After swim lessons, Will decided that he wanted to jump off of the diving board for the first time. Jack was so excited in his role as big brother to show Will just how it was done.

Jack demonstrating "advanced jumping" via the ever popular can opener.

Will's first jump! He loved it!

Jack was waiting in the water for Will, and Will popped up out of the water shouting, "I did it! I did it! That was awesome!" Jack was just as excited for him!

Will told Jack that even waiting in line was fun.
Welcome to the big kid club, little man!

These two jumped off of the diving board non stop for 2 hours. Over and over and over again, loving every single minute.

Back for more tomorrow!


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