Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hello, Again!

Wow, it has almost been a month since I have updated! A very unintentional blogging break =(. May was crazy busy, but we are starting to settle into our slower summer routine.

In early May, I enjoyed being honored at both Jack's and Will's Mother's Tea. At Will's Tea, we enjoyed some yummy snacks with our children and they gave us a precious flowerpot decorated with bugs and flowers made from their fingerprints. Will was most excited about the fact that he planted the yellow marigolds in the pot. Jack's Tea was such a special party. The children made the centerpieces which were flowers with their picture in the center. At my seat was a book Jack had made detailing all of the things that were special about me and pictures he had drawn of us together. We enjoyed fruit, cheese and crackers, punch, sweet tea, and cookies together. It was so cute to see him so excited to serve me. After refreshments, the children sang a few songs for us. I had tears in my eyes as I watched Jack sing with such joy. Pure joy and happiness on his sweet little face. Then we got to dance with our children, and Jack told me later that this was his favorite part. He spun me around under his arm a couple of times and thought that was the best thing!

We spent Memorial Day at the lake and this is the only picture that I took:

Granddaddy and the big boys gathering around the fire for s'mores

However, someone else got ahold of my camera and took a few pics of Memorial Day weekend.
Some of Will's lovies...but it also shows off the new leather sofa.

Will's piggies, and the new rug as well!

The power popper which provided lots of shooting entertainment.

The little culprit!

More recaps coming this week...Kindergarten graduation, Will is potty trained, and Jack's theater camp!


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