Saturday, April 10, 2010

More Pictures Than You Ever Wanted to See

Another fun day on vacay, although we wore the boys out yesterday so we had two grumpy Guses on our hands this morning. The weather was overcast and a bit chilly so not much boogie boarding today.

Our family of sea turtles must have swam off to sea during the night, so Brent and Jack worked on building a whale, a BIG whale. We were not going to be outdone by the GIANT lobster from yesterday.

Will mustered up enough energy to add to his sea shell collection, and then was just exhausted.

After lunch, we just hung out at the house. I played Sudoku, Jack watched cartoons, Will napped (!), and Brent watched the Masters while enjoying an afternoon refreshment.

Then it was off to The Track for some go-kart racing. And you should have heard the trash talking taking place all the way there. Our family is nothing if not competitive, even down to the baby! The go-kart track was really fun. We raced up and down spiral ramps and it was a blast to take the turns at full speed.

Mommy and Will after the race. To say that Will loved the go-karts is an understatement. His love of speed is a bit worrisome. He kept telling me to go faster so we could catch Daddy and Jack.

The winner....he was so excited! And much work needs to be done in the good sportsmanship department.

We rode the bumper cars. I really don't like bumper cars, seriously, where is the fun driving around in circles while getting whiplash?!?! But there was a boy dressed in Florida Gator paraphernalia that was Jack's and my primary target.

The boys rode a few rides in the Kid's Country area. The Traim was Will's pick and Jack was nice enough to join him for the ride.

The boys agreed that the Ferris Wheel was the best ride because they went up high and it was pretty fast. Will said they were in little cages.

And we fed the huge koi fish. Didn't look like they have missed too many meals.

Peace Out!

After one more race around the go-kart track, we headed to a dinner of hamburgers, chili cheese fries, and milkshakes. Or better known as a heart attack on a plate!


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