Friday, April 9, 2010

More Fun in the Sun and Stars

Beautiful weather today, perfect for shell pickin', water surfin', sand sculptin', and star soarin'! So that is just what we did =).

Will loves to hunt for shells! Here he is showing off one of the "tiger teeth" that he found. At this age, every shell is beautiful and even the broken shells are exotic tiger shark teeth. He can't wait to take his new shell collection to school for show & tell.

The boy is a natural! Duuuuude, that's some gnarly surf!

Will gives the boogie board a go.
Immediately after I took this picture, he did a face plant in the water, and that was the end of his surfing.

Jack and I trying our hand at sand sculpture. Can you guess what we are making?

A family of sea turtles!
We were so proud of ourselves! And then we took a walk down the beach and saw a man building a GIANT lobster. Kinda put the ol' turtle family to shame. Although Jack said the sea turtles would whoop that lobster in a contest.

Tonight we went to The Village of Baytowne Wharf at Sandestin Resort to have dinner with friends. The Village is beautiful, reminded me of a small scale downtown Disney. The original plan had been that we would have dinner and then go to The Track for go cart racing. But we were having such a good time at dinner and all of the boys were having a blast playing at the incredible playground next to the restaurant that we decided to stay at the Village for the evening. So we walked around looking at the stores, restaurants and outdoor entertainment, and just "happened" to end up at the candy store. Each little boy got to fill up a bag with all of the candy he wanted; Will thought he had absolutely died and gone to Heaven! We left the store with 3 happy boys and Nina and I were laughing about how much cheaper a bag of candy was compared to a night at The Track!

Then we came upon the Eurobungy. I'm sure you have seen them are strapped into a waist harness that is attached to bungy cords and then jump on a trampoline as you are propelled into the air. Jack did it once before at his school's Fall Festival and Will was dying to do it then. So last night Will saw the Eurobungy and begged to do it. Brent waited in line with them while Nina and I went to buy tickets. By the time we got back, Nina's son had completely changed his mind (it was late and he was exhausted, so his sister stepped into his place) and Will was now saying that he was scared. Well, mama had just spent the electric bill on tickets, so he was gonna jump! We waited for-ev-ah, during which time Will decided that he would jump, just not too high, but that he was not doing any flips. Fair enough!

Our turn finally arrived, Jack went first and jumped really high! It was so fun to watch him soar high above, and Jack had a blast.

Will was next and he looked so big strapped into the harness...adorable! He immediately started jumping on the trampoline as they were tightening up the bungy cords. He wasn't quite heavy enough to jump hard enough to propel himself up, so the assistant stood by him to help. The first time the assistant shot him into the air, I thought Will would start screaming and that would be the end of his turn. But he LOVED it! We were all cheering for him and he was just smiling! He kept saying,"I am really good at this! I am using my super powers to jump so high! Look at me, I'm in outer space!"

We got back to our place after 10:00 pm with two exhausted little ones who were begging to go to bed =). I bet they have good dreams tonight!


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