Thursday, April 15, 2010

Making a Joyful Noise

Tomorrow is Grandparent's Day at Jack's school. The teachers and children have been preparing a special time for all of the grandparents, including a musical program. Because over 450 grandparents are expected to attend tomorrow, parents are not allowed to come. But we were invited to attend the practice for the musical program this afternoon, and I just had to go and see what I was going to miss.

I thought they would start off the rehearsal with the kindergarteners and then work their way up the grades, so Will and I could listen to Jack's class sing and then sneak out. It didn't happen that looked to me like classes came in no particular order, so we got to hear a good bit of the program for tomorrow. The first grade was adorable singing "I Don't Wanna Grow Up". The kindergarteners sang "You Are My Sunshine" and most of them knew most of the words, and mumbled through the ones they didn't know.

And we also heard a couple of the bands play...the beginning band (5th graders) and (I assume) an upper level band (7th grade). Y'all. Have you ever heard a children's band play?!?! Gives you quite the appreciation for the university marching bands. We listened to (suffered through) "We Will Rock You" to which I must give credit to the drummer, who did really well pounding out the beat, and "Another One Bites the Dust", which was current when I was in 5th grade! The 7th grade band 'played' "All-Star" by Smash Mouth from the movie Shriek. If I hadn't been told that, I would have been hard pressed to guess.

So as I am sitting there politely listening to the bands, I look over to see this....

Will plugging his ears!!!!

I nearly fell out on the floor laughing hysterically because that is exactly what I wanted to do!


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