Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hello, My Name Is...

I feel like I need to introduce myself, since I have been MIA for so long. Thanks to those of you who haven't forgotten about us and faithfully check in. My only excuse is this kindergarten thing has rocked my world! I hate to harp on it, but I am up earlier than really should be allowed. So by the end of the day (when I have time to blog), I am just beat! But the good news is that it is amazing how much I can get done before 9 am these days. Back in the pre-kindergarten days, 9 am was just-getting-started time. Now, by 9 am I have driven carpool, unloaded the dishwasher, done a load of laundry and am headed back out the door to the gym or grocery store. The whole new schedule, new school thing has taken me awhile to get used to, but now I feel like I am getting comfortable with the new routine.

Just in time for preschool to start tomorrow =). And the good news on the preschool front is that Will got upgraded from the TTh 2s to the MWF 2s! Who out there is doing the happy dance with me?!?!? Will is just as excited; in fact, he would go 5 days a week if they let him. So how will I be spending my first free morning in more than 12 weeks? (Which is really only a guess on my part...I haven't kept track of exactly how long it has been...well, not precisely.) I will be volunteering at Jack's school! Right after I hit the Starbuck's drive thru. Because, have I mentioned? Pumpkin Spice is back! Pumpkin Spice latte, fraps and the best....the pumpkin cream cheese muffins!! Oh I am a happy girl =).

We had a fun Labor Day weekend. Brent was at the lake for a guys weekend and the boys and I enjoyed a visit from my parents. We were beyond excited about the start of college football this weekend. The years of Brent's football brainwashing have paid great dividends this season; not only can Jack tell you his favorite teams (favorite-Miami Hurricanes, second favorite-Alabama Crimson Tide), he can also tell you the teams that he hates (Florida and Florida State). Yesterday, we went to the neighborhood pool party and I took a black eyed pea salsa that was really good. I'll share the recipe later this week when I have the energy to get up off the bed and walk to the kitchen to get it. Why yes, I am just that pathetic!

Today, the boys and I met Mom and cousins C & B for a wild animal safari adventure! We all had a great time. I'll download the pics and share all about the adventure tomorrow. So please check back soon!

And because what is a post without a picture.....

Jack enjoying eating dinner with his chopsticks

And not to be out done.....

Will wanted to show off his spoon skillz.
You just can't deny talent, people!


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