Monday, September 21, 2009

We Are Building an Ark

You would not believe the amount of rain we are getting. I believe this is our 8th straight day of rain. It is raining so hard that it sounds like the rain is roaring! Last night alone, we got 1 foot of total rainfall. Schools were closed today in 5 surrounding counties. It took Jack's carpool an hour and twenty minutes to get home from school; my neighbor had to go four different ways before she could get them home (2 routes had cars floating in the road and one was blocked by a fallen tree). One of my friends called to say that her basement is flooding. The water is waist high in the problem area of her backyard and the water is ankle deep in her basement. She was calling to recruit neighborhood men to come dig and try to re-route the water away from her door...because, of course, her husband is out of town this week! So far, our yard seems to be holding up. Over the years, Brent has worked to make sure that the backyard drains well. The french drains are overloaded, but the water does seem to be draining to the back of our yard...I haven't noticed any standing water yet (as best I can see from inside the house). Flash floods, trees down, closed interstates.....ugh, it is just a mess!

We spent the weekend inside and I think it just about killed Brent to not be able to cut the grass. On Saturday, we did venture out to a birthday party in between showers and it was a water slide party! Ha! The boys had a great time and it provided a nice distraction from dismantling the playroom.

Saturday night, the girls and I went to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner. It was delicious! I had the garlic noodles with shrimp and we all shared a slice of Red Velvet Cheesecake. Divine! The only problem was that I reeked of garlic the next day, but it was worth it.

This weekend was dedicated to doing what this family does best: laying around, watching football (Roll Tide!), eating nachos, and hanging out. I have got to get a video camera, because Will loves to lead us in Miami football cheers. It is hilarious to watch him cheer his version! And thanks go to Black Eyed Peas for providing rainy day entertainment; I Gotta Feeling is our family's new favorite song and these 2 boys can sing and dance like nobody's business!

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