Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Good Day

Today has been a fun day. Thursdays are wonderful in general because it is the day that the maids come! I love coming home to a clean (and clean smelling) house! While the ladies were here cleaning, Will and I went to the gym and the grocery store. Will has a Spiderman lunch bag and he absolutely loves it. Some days he insists that I "pack" his lunch in the Spiderman bag before he will eat. This morning he had to take his snack to the gym in the lunch bag. It is so cute to see him tote that thing in like a big boy =).

Will is at such a cute stage now. Recently, he has started asking questions followed by "yes or no?" Such as "Mama, are we going to the grocery store? Yes or No?" He'll wait for me to answer "Yes" and then he'll say, "Okay, Mama!" Even if I answer no to his question, he'll just as enthusiastically answer, "Okay, Mama!"

Jack continues to love kindergarten; he loves everything about it. Brent asked Jack the other day if he had a girlfriend. Jack replied, "I have three...and they are all a handful!" Oh, just you wait, baby!

The boys played well together this afternoon. Jack learned about Jonah and the Whale at school today, so he came home and got out his preschool picture Bible to teach Will about Jonah. Fortunately, Will was a cooperative student. Yesterday, Will was learning Spanish!

I was putting Jack and Will to bed tonight and they were both laying in Jack's bed hugging and loving on each other. Jack looked up at me and said, "Mom, don't you want to take our picture!" Seems they have gotten used to the one woman paparazzi documenting their every move!

New pictures will be coming soon!