Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Day of Preschool

On Wednesday, Will officially started preschool (last year he was in the MMO program). Will LOVES school! We like to cheer "School Day!" as we are getting dressed to go. All the way to school, he was talking about what he was going to cook in the classroom kitchen. His other favorite part about school is the playground.

When we got to his classroom, his two sweet teachers were waiting at the door to enthusiastically greet him by name. The first thing he does upon arrival is check-in. At a table is a mailbox and all around the mailbox are envelopes with the children's picture and name on them. Will has to find his envelope and put it in the mailbox (working on name recognition). Then he goes to the sink to wash his hands. After washing his hands, Will headed straight to the kitchen! No time for a goodbye for Mommy...too much fun stuff to do!

When I picked him up, he came running to me with a big smile and a big hug! He said he had a great time. So then I started asking him about his day. Did your teacher read you a story? No. Did you do art? No. (Despite remnants of red paint on his hands) Did you eat snack? No. Did you go out on the playground? No. Did you get to swing? YES! (Interesting, considering that he didn't go to the playground) Clearly, he is not going to be sharing many details about his day. His teacher did leave a note in his book bag that said "Will had a great day and loved painting at the easel."

Tonight, I told him that tomorrow is School Day and Will said that he is going to cook dinner in the kitchen. Looks like he has adjusted to his new class just fine. And that makes me a happy mama!


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