Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Recap

Well, it's not the best picture, but it's the best we got!

We had a fun Easter weekend celebrating with my side of the family. Saturday morning, Brent and Dad took the boys fishing. Jack has the potential to carry on the family fishing legacy; he is a very patient fisherman. Will was a little too young to sit and wait for a bite. And the fish weren't biting that morning so it was a bit of a bummer. Saturday afternoon, Jack dyed Easter eggs while Will napped. It was such a pleasure this year to dye eggs! Jack was old enough to be able to do the dying all by himself, so Mom and I sat and talked with him while he took care of his eggs.
On Sunday morning, the plan was for Mom and Dad to go to early church and then they would keep Will while Brent, Jack and I went to Mass. Well, once we got everyone dressed in their Easter outfits, Will was certain he was going to Mass too. Told Grammama that he didn't want to stay with her. Grrrreat! So off we go. I did bring the new books that the Easter Bunny left in their baskets as entertainment. And Will was better behavior-wise than Christmas Eve Mass, by just a little bit.

Before Mass began, I was trying to entertain him by pointing out the stained glass windows. For one I said, "Look Will, a baby!" The baby was wrapped in a cloth and Will said, "Baby has diapers! Baby has poops in his diapers!" The two girls sitting behind us thought that was pretty funny. He did try to take some money out of the offeratory plate. And when he wasn't given anything to eat at the Eucharist, he protested quite loudly, "I want some! I want some! Can I have some, please?" Everyone on the first few pews got a good chuckle out of that. Typical two year old behavior, but I was reminded why we use the nursery every week!

The cousins enjoyed playing together after church, especially all of the time they had to play in the backyard. The daddies got smart and locked the door from the backyard so that we could enjoy an uninterrupted dessert! That just might become a new family tradition ;-).


LL said...

We were so excited that we didn't have to sit in the cry room at Mass this week! Cheerios, apple juice, and a book did the trick! Aurelia was so good.

Amy said...

I absolutely hate the cry room! I could go on and on about everything that is wrong with the cry room...

Yay for Aurelia! =)

LL said...

Ugh, I'm glad it's not just me. I sit there and wonder what's the point of coming when I can't hear anything and she's miserable!

Glad y'all had a good Easter too. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures because my camera is broken. Little Priss had a great time hunting eggs in the yard.

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