Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ya Gotta Be Kiddin' Me?!?!

This past spring we replaced all of our windows...all 29 of them. About the cost of a Honda Civic, but really, who's counting pennies? It needed to be done; the old windows were rotting in some places, there was condensation between some of the panes, and because they were 20 years old, the insulation qualities were sub par. We have noticed quite a difference this winter with the temperature inside our house. Not drafty at all. So we are pleased that we went ahead and replaced them all, despite the cost. And as a small bonus, we would be able to claim the windows on our taxes as an energy efficient home improvement. Not a whole lot of $$ in the rebate, but to Miss Frugal Fanny here, I am happy to receive any amount of my moola back.

Today, I am filling out our tax returns. I come to the section about energy efficient homes and this is what I read.

You can claim:

-Solar water heating costs

-Solar electric costs

-Fuel cell property costs

-Small wind energy property costs

-Geothermal heat pump property costs

You can't claim:

-external doors and windows


-central air

-energy efficient light bulbs

-low flow toilets and shower heads

-energy star appliances

WHAT?!?! YOU CAN'T CLAIM WINDOWS?!?! And here you might be saying, "Why yes you can! When we replaced our windows back in 2006 (or 2007), we were able to claim this expense on our tax returns!" And you would be absolutely right. The credit was good in 2006, 2007 and will be good in 2009, BUT NOT IN 2008! Seriously?!?! SERIOUSLY?!?! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! Some nonsense about this credit expiring in 2007, Bush signed it back into effect, but it isn't reinstated until 2009. Well, thanks. Thanks alot. And I am a bit irritated with our window replacement company over this. I do specifically remember them mentioning the tax rebate in their sales pitch. Seems someone didn't get the "except 2008" memo.

Now isn't this typical government logic? I am sure that 99.5% of Americans are trying to be responsible "green" citizens doing improvements that fall under the CAN'T CLAIM category. I mean who in the good ole US of A has a geothermal heat pump?!? Solar electricity?!?! Anyone? Anyone? The last time I checked, "fuel cells" (I don't even know what these are!) weren't flying off the shelves at Home Depot. And I would know if they were because we are at The Depot just about every Saturday. And even if I set up a windmill in our front yard to qualify for the "small wind energy property costs" I know for a certain fact that it violates all kinds of neighborhood covenants and the architectural control committee would be over here so fast my head would be spinning. But the mental picture of a windmill on the front lawn and the resulting gawking neighbors does make me laugh!


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