Tuesday, January 27, 2009


One of the fun things about being home with the boys is to listen to their conversations with each other. Last week or the week before, I overheard this conversation between Jack and Will:

J: Will, do you want to come watch me poo-poo?
(I was actually surprised with this invitation because usually Jack is so private and doesn't want you even near the door, much less in the bathroom with him.)

W: Okay, Jack!

J: Okay! But Will just remember...you can watch me poo-poo but you can't touch the poo-poo!

Whew! I am so glad we got those bathroom rules established!

The two of them have been arguing/picking/aggravating each other to no end recently. So much so that Brent threatened to give Jack and Will to the gypsies when they stopped by on Saturday. Will was like "Gypsies, Schmypsies! If they give out cookies, I am so there!" But Jack bought into the gypsy story and was sweating it out that afternoon. (And yes, I did add a few dollars to the therapy jar once I realized that he thought the gypsies were real!)

Well, this afternoon they have seemed to call a truce. Will said, "I unt (want) Jack. Jack hold you!" So Jack gave Will a hug (Awwww!). And then Will leaned over and kissed Jack on the cheek and said, "I kiss Jack!" I believe my heart just burst into a million pieces. They are now laying on the bed together watching Clifford with their feet intertwined! =)

I think I'll keep 'em....at least until the gypsies come on Saturday!


Beverly B said...

How sweet! (the hug and kiss that is). Maybe Jack will potty train Will.

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