Monday, January 5, 2009

Starting to See the Light

at the end of the tunnel! Well, 2009 got off to a rough start, but it's starting to improve. I woke up Friday morning with the crud that Will had. I had been up the night before with Will (for the 3rd straight night, but who's counting?), and was just exhausted. The boys and I spent the entire day in our jammies just hanging out...well, the kids were hanging out and I was just hanging on until Brent got home from work! Jack cleaned up the playroom without complaining, so as a treat, I suggested we go to McDonald's for lunch (drive thru, of course, since we were all still in our jammies). Everyone is buckled up and we are talking about what kind of milkshakes to get when I turn the key in the ignition....the car battery is DEAD! What a joy kill. Thankfully, I married one of the handiest men ever and he brought home a new battery along with a gallon of milk, Advil Cold & Sinus, and dinner! He is a keeper; glad I married that one! And obviously, you didn't cheer hard enough for the Tide. I still can't talk about the Sugar Bowl...just awful, painful awful, blood bath awful. Uuugh!

Saturday was a better day. The new washer and dryer arrived and they work great. We gave it a test run with our comforter and it got out a ballpoint pen ink stain. Yeah! I've done 3 loads of laundry today and I am lovin' this set =). I will be one happy housewife if I can get control of this laundry.

One of my new year's resolutions is to organize every closet/dresser/cabinet in this house. My closet is the absolute worst. When we moved in, I had a 6 week old baby, so I just shoved everything in my closet and planned to get to it once life settled down. Well, 5 1/2 years later...but 2009 is the year! So on Sunday, Brent took the boys to church and lunch so that I could totally clean and reorganize the playroom. You just can't do this with the kids around because they suddenly become interested in all the toys that were soooo boring just a week ago. I know this because I tried to start on the playroom Saturday afternoon. Anyhow, it took me all of Sunday until about 11 pm, but not only is the playroom organized and tidy, but the attic is also in better shape. Brent and I got in there and rearranged all of the stuff. I now have the 'mega yard sale' area and the storage area. It felt so good to have that done. When I went to bed Sunday night, I actually felt 5 lbs lighter! Hopefully, this 'wild hair' continues.

Today was the last day of Christmas break =)! Both boys go back to school tomorrow! They have been out of school for 3 weeks.....3 looooong weeks! We are all on each other's nerves; they are on my last one, I am on their's, and Jack & Will can't look at each other without fighting. I am going to try to restrain from doing the happy dance until I return to my car after drop off. No promises though; I will be that mom kicking up her heels and high 5-ing all the other moms down the hallway before making a mad dash to Starbucks for a celebratory coffee. Woo Hoo!


Blythe said...

I am cracking up about the closet because it is the one thing Neal says he will divorce me over is my closet. But honestly, it is the very last thing I consider in the many, many things on my plate. Also, I was doing the happy dance as I was loading the boys in the car to go to daycare. And, our mutual coffee addiction has lead to Neal giving me a gift card to the coffee house in town for a Christmas present. That is bad! I now have a few girls at work and mom trying the Espresso Truffle at Starbucks. Can't go wrong with there hot chocolate mix.

I won't touch the football game. At least your team showed up the entire year. We discovered we had a quarterback during the last game of the season. AND, we still have the biggest ding-dong of a coach in the entire SEC (dare I say the NCAA). I am sure Brent would disagree. But good Lord, we know have the worst coach in the SEC West.

Amy said...

You want to know what is bad...Brent and I got 4 Starbucks gift cards for Christmas. The lady behind the counter asked if I was a teacher and had gotten all of these cards for Christmas. No, we are just seriously addicted! It is bad when your 5 year old can order for himself AND for Brent and me. Or when the 2 year old makes a beeline for the Starbucks fridge, grabs his chocolate milk box and then carries it to the counter to be rung up. Seriously, I think we need an intervention. But the thought of giving up Starbucks terrifies me! I guess it could be worse...maybe?!?!

Blythe said...

I guess we could have worst addictions in life, like diamonds. Oh wait, we have that one as well.

Amy said...

LOL! =)

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