Friday, January 16, 2009

Plague, Plague Go Away

Wasn't it me who only 2 weeks ago was so excited to start the new year?!?! Well, now I am trying to figure out a way to crawl back into 2008. Someone in this house has been sick every day of 2009. First, Will has had this crud that has lingered around for weeks. I think it is finally clearing out. Then, of course, I caught whatever it was that Will had and was down for a couple of days. Yesterday, I get a call from the preschool to come get Jack because he had thrown up. Poor baby. I get to school and he looks just awful. He said his throat hurt, too. We get home and he crashes on our bed and sleeps for 2 hours. Jack hasn't done that since he was 2. He woke up this morning and said that his stomach felt better but his throat still felt "nasty". Fortunately, Will's 2 year old well check up was today so I took Jack along to be checked, too. Strep Throat! He has already started the antibiotics so hopefully he will be feeling better tomorrow or Sunday at the latest. The pediatrician said to keep an eye on Will because strep is highly contagious and with siblings playing together....Great! I just rolled my eyes 'cause the way this month is going I'll be hauling Will back to the dr office on Monday (oh who am I kidding, it will be Sat morning!) for his own strep test.

And the real kicker is that the boys were going to spend the weekend with my parents. We had to cancel that. Jack and Will had been talking about it all week. And Brent and I were excited about having dinner some place that doesn't have a drive thru, video games, or balloons! And probably have Sunday brunch too, just because we could. Oh well! Mom and I have rescheduled the boys' weekend away and our new plans are to stay inside all weekend and disinfect this house. It is COLD here...I mean Brrrrrrrr!

Okay, pity party is officially over...thanks for listening to me whine!