Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

It was another sleepless night at our house, and it wasn't from wild partying...Will was sick again. He woke up at 3:30 am, I fed him some milk because he hadn't eaten much all day so I thought he must be starving, and then he came to bed with us. A little while later a coughing spell started and the gag reflex kicked in...curdled milk vomit everywhere! Niiiiiiice! All over Will, the sheets, the pillow, and all over his beloved monkey. I can't even describe the sour stench...Yuuuck! Brent and I managed to get everything cleaned up, new sheets on the bed, and I finally got Will back in his own crib around 5:30. Happy to report there were no further incidents and that Monkey cleaned up nicely.

Jack woke up this morning in a FOUL mood. He stayed up too late last night and sleep deprivation is not a pretty thing for Jack. Once he is in a foul mood funk, it can be nearly impossible to bring him out of it. Brent made him go back upstairs and come down again to start the day over. When Jack came back downstairs, we all started clapping and yelling "Happy New Year!" Will thought it was hilarious. Jack just stood in the hallway yelling "It's not working!" What are we going to do with that kid!

So between a rough night with Will and a headache of a morning with Jack, a Starbucks trip was well deserved for Brent and me. And for me, it was a two coffee morning. We all sat around and enjoyed our drinks and miracle of miracles, Jack not only emerged from his funk but was fun and giggly. It was then that we realized I had ordered Jack a coffee frap instead of his usual creme-based frap. When we left Starbucks, our family was practically giddy! Starbucks is Prozac in a cup! And it is quite evident our family needs it.

On a side note, Brent and I decided that the more words it takes for you to order a cup of coffee at Starbucks, the more difficult of a personality you have. I can order my new favorite drink in 5 words. Brent realized that it took him 8 words to order his drink. A-HA!! Verrry Interesting! He then quickly figured out how to order in 4 words. Based on this unscientific test, I would be the most difficult person in the house. Obviously, the test is not accurate 100% of the time.

After Starbucks, we made a trip to Target for new pillows and left with $200 worth of other stuff. Target and Costco are money black holes...I can never get out of Costco for less than $100 and Target is getting just as bad. But today Target was a ghost town. I think we were the only ones in there. It was really kinda eerie in a Left Behind sorta way. Maybe the rest of our town was hung over?!?!?!

The rest of the day was low key, but very productive. Brent did some 'light' yard work...cutting down tree branches! I cuddled with the sick baby and undecorated the tree. Christmas is officially over and both of the boys are sad to see their little trees and the family tree gone, but it is nice having the house back in order.

Hope you have had a good start to 2009! And remember to cheer for BAMA tomorrow night...Roll Tide!


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