Monday, December 12, 2011

101 in 1001: Goal 42

Goal 42: Go See a Live Nativity

One of the fun activities we did as a family this weekend was to go to a live nativity.  Each year, a local church does A Walk Through Bethlehem, depicting what Bethlehem would have been like on the night of Jesus's birth.  A sign posted outside the gates of Bethlehem stated "Here you will find those same crowded, busy streets found by Joseph and Mary.  As you wind your way through these streets and shops, you will find the same feeling we find today as we go about the business of Christmas.  At the end, you will find the true meaning of Christmas lying in a manger in the most humble place of all ready to offer you the peace and salvation offered by our Savior, Jesus Christ."

When we first walked up to Bethlehem, the census taker registered how many were in our family...we were travelling to Bethlehem to be counted after all!

And then we had to pay our taxes.  Taxes, taxes, taxes.  The government always wants our money!

And once all our business was completed, the Roman guards allowed us to pass through the gates and we were free to travel the streets of Bethlehem.  There were so many fun shops to explore in the marketplace, each with an activity to help us learn more about life during Biblical times.

This is the market where we found raisins, dates, oranges, lemons, and roasted peanuts from a "far, far away land called Zhorzhah (Georgia)."  The market lady was sure that we had heard of this land!  Each child could try their hand at juggling, either 1, 2, or 3 lemons, and earn a candy cane for their effort.

A visit with the carpenter where we learned that Joseph was also a carpenter, and Jesus would learn the craft as a boy and young man.  Will got to help the carpenter with his project by hammering in some wooden pegs.

At the fur traders shop, Will got to feel the different pelts.  There were some samples that he got to take with him...1 piece for himself and 1 to offer as a gift to baby Jesus.

The bakery was a fun shop because Jack and Will got to help knead some bread while listening to the baker explain the process of bread making.  And then they got to taste a bit of homemade bread.

This was my favorite shop...the Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh shop.  We collected frankincense and myrhh in gold cups, again one for each child and one as a gift for Jesus.  The shopkeeper showed us how to grind up frankincense, then sprinkle a pinch of the powder into a flame, and watch the powder burn into sparks.  It was fun to watch!

We tried to go into the Inn but it was full.  The innkeeper was generous enough to give us a cookie as he turned us away.  We passed a schoolroom where the Jewish children were learning Hebrew. Will made a paper angel ornament at the craft shop. 

And Jack and Will played the dreidel game with some Jewish children.  This was their first time to play and while I was never too clear on the rules, Jack and Will were having fun. 

Jack was winning when we finally made him give up his seat for someone else to have a turn.

At the edge of the marketplace, we followed a path out and around to a small stable where we found Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus.

Once our group had gathered at the stable, we listened to the gospel reading of Jesus's birth.  What I loved was that right in front of the manger was a basket that the children could offer their gifts to the King, like the Wise Men had done thousands of years ago.

It was a cold, cold night but there was so much to do on our Walk Through Bethlehem that we ended up staying for an hour and a half.  What a fun, tangible way to learn about life during Biblical days while reinforcing the true meaning of Christmas.

Happy Birth Day, Jesus!


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