Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Will's Last Day of School

It has been a great school year for Will!  And it's hard to believe that it's over.

Here is 3 year old Will on his first day of preschool:

Although he doesn't have a pleasant expression, Will was very excited about the first day.  So excited, in fact, that he was miffed when I told him that he wouldn't be staying for Lunch Bunch or Extended Day on his first day.  I probably had the only 3 year old who was ready to jump feet first into a long school day.

And here is 4 year old Will on his last day of preschool:

mugging for the camera

He is thrilled to be moving up into the four year old class in the fall.  Ever since he turned 4 in December, he has wondered why he wasn't in the 4 year old class.  Don't know if I ever explained the reason to his satisfaction.

Will's favorite friends this year were Brody and Max and his girlfriend was Ava Grace.  Wednesdays were his favorite day because he had Kindergym with Mrs. Debbie, Lunch Bunch and Playball.  His favorite theme day was Pajama Day, because not only did he get to wear his jammies to school but Blanket and Truck Monkey got to go to school, too.  He absolutely loved Show and Tell, and was always so proud to show me his art projects as soon as he got into the car.

I couldn't have asked for better teachers for Will than Mrs. Gies and Mrs. Paula; they were absolutely wonderful!  Not only were they energetic, creative and challenging, but their love for Will was so obvious and really that is all that mattered to this mother.  Mrs. Gies said that their nickname for Will was "Little PhD."  She said one time they had a guest speaker who was asking the children questions about the topic (I think it was animals) and Will was answering them correctly.  The speaker looked at Mrs. Gies and she said, "Yes, he's our little genius!"    

It was a fun year, and it will be fun to see all of Will's school friends again in September.  Happy Summer!


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