Thursday, June 9, 2011

Jack's Last Day of School

Thursday, June 2nd was Jack's last day of school.  First grade is in the bag.  Jack was sad that the school year had to come to an end; he absolutely loved his teacher, his class, and almost everything about first grade.

Here is Jack on his first day of first grade:

And here is Jack on his last day of first grade:

He grew 3 inches during the school year, and lost a few teeth along the way.

A few of Jack's favorites during the school year:
Subject: Social Studies and Science
Special Class: PE and Computer
Book: Slugs
Chapter Book that Ms. Ross read: Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
Science Activity: Strawberry Float
Computer Activity: Mathblaster
Math Activity: math tubs
Writing Activity: Wishy Washy Day
Favorite Poem: Chicken Soup with Rice
Field Trips: The Nutcracker and The Botanical Gardens
Lunch: Spaghetti and Meatballs

Ms. Ross and Mrs. Weinke were both incredible teachers.  Ms. Ross really got to know Jack and always made him feel so special.  He is convinced that he was her favorite student!  The first day of summer, Jack woke up and said, "I already miss Ms. Ross."  If he could only convince her to teach second grade....

The highlight of the year was the Bugz play.  He loved all of the rehearsing and the performances for school and parents.  I'm pretty sure that we'll be saying, "I'm a maggot!" for a long time around here.

It was a great year, and we can't wait to see what second grade has in store for Jack!


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