Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 25

Saturday, June 18

Today is Jack's birthday and we have had alot of birthday fun!  What you aren't hearing during the picture is this:  Happy Birthday to you {cha cha cha}, Happy Birthday to you {cha cha cha}, Happy Birthday dear Jack, Happy Birthday to you {eat more chicken}!

Sunday, June 19

Happy Father's Day to one of the silliest Daddies that I know.  I always knew you would be a wonderful father, but watching you love them, play with them, and invest in them has been one of the greatest joys of my life.  May your example be a legacy for our future generations.

Monday, June 20

We wrapped up the birthday fun today with a movie and frozen yogurt.  I am in love with this stuff!  There is just something about being able to mix lots of different flavors of yogurt with endless possibilities of toppings that speaks to the inner child in me.  I'll be back...

Tuesday, June 21

Our yard always has something in bloom, one of the benefits of being married to a talented gardener.  Right now, Brent's daylillies are showing off.  This particular variety was given to us by Mom; it is called The Rachel and was specially hybridized by one of her friends and named for his daughter.  I just think it looks so delicate and beautiful.

Wednesday, June 22

We went tubing down the Chestatee River today with the swim team.  It was a lazy river, so Jack and Will each got their own tube.  Jack was old enough to float down with the others, but I had a grip on Will's tube so he couldn't float too far away.

Thursday, June 23

This summer we have been "homeschooling", just trying to keep our skills sharp.  Jack works on Math, Reading Comprehension, English, and Spelling; Will works on pre-K readiness skills and the proper way to hold a pencil/crayon (not demonstrated in this picture).   It has been going well, once we get over the initial mumblings and grumblings about having to start.  And my hat is off to all of you homeschooling moms!

Friday, June 24

A glimpse at a typical summer afternoon for us... swimming at the pool!  That is Will swimming on top of the water and Jack is under the water.  I don't know how we would survive summer without the pool!


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