Monday, June 13, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 23

Saturday, June 4

We went to Baton Rouge today to have a picture made with Happy & Honey and all 11 grandchildren, and then spent the rest of the afternoon playing with the cousins.  Z is the oldest (by 5 years) of the boy cousins, and there is alot of hero worshipping of Z by the younger boys.  And it is well deserved...Z spent all afternoon running, chasing and throwing the ball.

Sunday, June 5

Who can come to New Orleans and not have beignets?!?!  A little coffee and beignets is the perfect afternoon treat.

Monday, June 6

Poor Jack came down with a stomach bug Saturday afternoon, which cut his playtime with the cousins short.  It was very sad because he. felt. so. bad.  He was starting to rebound Sunday afternoon, and I went down Sunday night.  Annnnd, we were driving home Monday morning.  Luckily, we made it home without a major disaster, and it appears that Brent and Will escaped the attack of the germs.

Tuesday, June 7

The swim team went to see Kung Fu Panda 2 this afternoon to try and escape the heat so everyone would be well rested for the meet that night.  The boys enjoyed the movie and Will decided that the popcorn was the most delicious he has ever had.  A little R & R did the trick...our Speed Demons won the meet!

Wednesday, June 8

It's summer, so every afternoon you can find us at the neighborhood pool.  I'm so excited because my very cautious, I-don't-like-to-get-my-face-wet boy is turning into a little fish right before my eyes!  Will is becoming so comfortable in the water, and I am so proud of him.  I told him that this summer he was going to learn to swim just like Jack.  In the afternoons, we have been playing the "back and forth" game, where Will swims back and forth between me and the steps.  He can already swim halfway across the width of the pool!  He also is enjoying doing "tricks" in the water: touching the bottom of the pool with his feet and hands, floating on his back (41 seconds is his record), and lots of cool jumps off the diving board.  I can't wait to see how far Will progresses with his swimming this summer.

Thursday, June 9

We stayed for an hour after swim practice this morning to watch the cutting down of a tree.  The tree was huge so it provided quite a bit of excitement as piece by piece fell down with a mighty splash into the creek below.  The kids were chanting encouragement such as "Cut it down!" and "Timber!" to the workers, who were smiling and trying not to laugh at their enthusiasm, and the mothers wished we had brought a picnic lunch and made a day of it because 3 more were scheduled to fall.  That is what I love about summer...without the hectic schedules, you have time to stop and watch a tree fall!

Friday, June 10

Each summer, the boys join the library's summer reading program.  Even though Will can't read yet, he still gets to participate because the books that we read to him count for his total.  Will's favorite library book is The First Rule of Little Brothers by Jill Davis.  We've read this book 5 times now, and will probably read it again at least that many times before we have to return it.  Jack is currently reading to me The Best School Year Ever by Barbara Robinson, which is the sequel to The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.  This book is hysterically funny, the have-to-stop-reading-because-we're-laughing-to-the-point-of-tears kind of funny.  Jack and I will quote different parts of the book to each other and then laugh again just remembering how funny it is.  I highly recommend this book for children in 2nd-4th grade.  I love the fact that Jack and I are having so much fun reading together...I hope his love of reading last a lifetime.


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