Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 22

Saturday, May 28

Saturday, we woke up at the farm and, although excited about the day's activities, we decided to have a relaxing, slow-to-get-started kind of morning.  At one point, I looked around and all of the children are playing on either an iPhone or iPad.  And the children can navigate these devices better than the adults!

Sunday, May 29

Does anything say "summer" more than sitting on a front porch swing in your swim suit eating ice cream?

Monday, May 30

Look who can pump his legs and swing all by himself!  And just when I thought my pushing days were over, I hear "Mommy, can you push me?"  "You can swing all by yourself now!  You don't need my help!"  "But I want to go super high, so I need you to push me."  And I obliged because I love the fact that he still needs his Mommy!

Tuesday, May 31

Jack is swimming in the 7 & 8 year old division this year.  This is where the swimming gets serious: they swim all four strokes, the IM is introduced, and some events are 50 yds (2 laps) instead of 25 yds.  It's the big time!  For his first meet, Jack swam the backstroke leg of the medley relay (2nd place), the 50 yd freestyle (4th place), the 25 yd butterfly (1st place!  The fly will make a man out of ya, for sure.), and the freestyle relay (2nd place).  At the end of the meet, Jack was exhausted and we were so proud.

Wednesday, June 1

or bad table manners.  It's really all a matter of perspective, no?

Thursday, June 2

We picked Jack up from school today (his last day) and hit the road for New Orleans.  Happy and Honey, ready or not, here we come!  The boys did great on the ride; they played video games, watched movies, and even listened to a few tunes.  We can't wait to spend the weekend with Happy and Honey and all of the cousins.

Friday, June 3

We love us some crawfish, and Happy is the best at cooking 'em.  Jack ate his weight in crawfish and even Will, our picky eater, couldn't get enough.  32 pounds of crawfish and not a single mudbug left.  They were delicious!


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