Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 4

Saturday, January 22

Here is Jack calling out BINGO! during Family Game Night, hosted by our school's PTA.  The goal of Game Night is that every child leaves with a prize, much appreciated by the parents because who wants to take home a crying child?!?!  We bingo-ed twice on 5 across and once on blackout, and left with a slinky, yo-yo, flapper clapper, and mini football.  Pizza and Bingo are a fun way to spend a few hours. 

Sunday, January 23

 Every week, we eat at the same neighborhood Mexican restaurant.  They know us there.  They know that we like to sit in a booth, that we always order queso dip without jalapenos, that the boys get lids on their cups, that Brent wants a large Dos Equis, and that I need a strawberry margarita...just for starters.  It is nice to be understood.  Tonight, they gave us a complimentary order of churros.  They take good care of us.  See ya next week!

Monday, January 24

File this in the "just keepin it real" category.  It's Monday, it's laundry day.  Uggghhh!  And I wasn't even behind.  I just don't think it's possible for 4 people to create so many dirty clothes; I'm certain they reproduce in the basket.

Tuesday, January 25

The Spiritual Life moms met with Jack's class to share the Parable of the Lost Sheep.  Will joined us, sat next to Jack, and was so excited to be a part of the big kids.  Jack enjoyed his role as mentor and helped Will complete his lost sheep craft.  We stayed to eat lunch with Jack and loved seeing a glimpse of his school day.  I think Will is ready to be a kindergartener at this sweet school!  That time will be here before I am ready.

Wednesday, January 26

It was cold today...bitter cold with a mean, mean wind.  Playing outside wasn't an option.  So the boys had a pickup game of kitchen hockey, with southern boys' equipment:  lacrosse sticks, a plastic t-ball, and a soccer cone.  I'm happy to report that there were no black eyes and we still have all of our teeth!

Thursday, January 27

Jack has officially been a first grader for 100  school days now!  Today was a special day at school full of all fun things involving 100.  For snack, they had cupcakes that formed the number.  Jack's team (the dinosaurs) won the 100 piece puzzle competition!  Instead of the usual 60 seconds, they had 100 seconds to complete their mad minute skills.  And they read Emily's First 100 Days of School by Rosemary Wells.  It was a fun day!

Friday, January 28


Wow, it has been a busy day; well, week really!  Jack and Will both had good days at school.  Fridays are Will's long days at school when he stays until 2:30 pm.  I spent the day working at Brent's office trying to help them get everything up and running and organized.  Just a PSA to Comcast Business..."You are on my last nerve!  I hope the phones and voice mail are working properly on Monday, or my call to you will be ugly.  You have been warned."  I picked the boys up from school and we stopped by Panera for a special after school treat; their chocolate croissants are to die for!  And tonight we had a lovely dinner with our next door neighbors and across the street neighbors.  Elizabeth made Chicken Parmesan, Noreen made a wonderful salad, and I brought Pioneer Woman's Garlic Cheese Bread.   The children played while the adults talked and when I glanced down at my watch, it was after 10 pm.  Such a fun way to end the week.  But we are all tired and off to bed.

***This post completes goal #88 in my 101 in 1001.  Yay!  The first goal completed.***


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