Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 3

Saturday, January 15

After being snowed in all last week, we headed to Gramma and Granddaddy's for a visit.  They took us to a Japanese Steakhouse for dinner.  It was Will's first hibachi dining experience and he had the best time.  The chef was alot of fun and teased Will the entire dinner; he kept calling Will "Bill".  "My name is Will!"  And told Will that he would be having Taco Bell.  "I want my SHRIMP!"  Laughter and good food...a great dinner!

Sunday, January 16

Only one word for today...LAZY!  Everyone laid around all day, and Jack never changed out of his jammies.  He was glued to Gramma & Granddaddy's new iPad playing Angry Birds; Jack has been talking about playing Angry Birds since he found out they got an iPad.  Will was certain that Granddaddy needed to know how to play Super Mario Bros.  It amazes me how tech-savvy my children are, since I am so not!

Monday, January 17

me:  "Will!  You need a bath.  You smell like a puppy dog!"  
will: "But puppies are so adorable!"

After every bath, Will always asks us if he smells like a beautiful flower.  And we have to sniff him and affirm that he does!

Tuesday, January 18

Tuesdays are gymnastics days!  Will loves gymnastics class but balance beam days are not his favorite.  "The bars are much more funner!"  Will used to be terrified of the beam.  TER-RI-FIED.  But he has overcome his fear, and will walk forward, backward & sideways, will do flamingo, and will do forward & backward rolls on the beam without a death grip on Ms. Ema.  I couldn't be prouder!

Wednesday, January 19

Renovations at Brent's new office space are almost finished.  We are so excited!  Brent's partner's decorator is designing the space, and it is going to be beautiful.  Of course, a full post with pictures is coming once all the finishing touches are done.  Stay tuned....

Thursday, January 20

Today, we had to make up the gymnastics class from last week that was snowed out.  Our tradition is that after each class, Will gets to buy a little treat if he has been a good listener and followed directions.  Ahhh, the motivational power of chocolate.  The other children can be misbehaving like wild monkeys, and Will is right on task.  He isn't willing to risk losing his treat over silliness!    

Friday, January 21

Today was Jack's turn to bring Fabulous Friday snack, a special reward for all of the students who've had good behavior all week.  So for something really special, we ordered a yummy King Cake from Haydel's Bakery in New Orleans.  Jack's class was so excited!  Jack said that at snack time they were all chanting, "King Cake!  King Cake!"  Gigi found the baby so she got a surprise bag which included some beads, doubloons, and the history of the King Cake.  I sent in enough extra beads and doubloons so that everyone could have some.  While all the children sat at their desks, Jack threw the beads out Mardi Gras-style.  Jack came home from school so happy that everyone had a blast with Fabulous Friday snack.  And that makes me one happy mama.


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