Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 2

Saturday, January 8

My camera officially died today.  Because blogging lacks a little something without pictures, I'll be buying a new one tomorrow.  Jack and Will were invited to a princess costume party this afternoon for H, our cute & sweet next door neighbor.  In honor of Epiphany, Jack dressed up as King Balthazar, the wise man that brought myrrh to baby Jesus (did you know that?  cause I certainly didn't until Jack told me!), and Will dressed up as Buzz Lightyear.  The hit (pa dum dum) of the party was a princess castle pinata...the old fashioned kind that you have to whack good & hard with a real bat.  We came home with enough candy to fill our Halloween buckets!  

Sunday, January 9


Yay for the new camera!  Like the rest of the Southeast, we are eagerly anticipating snow!  What was predicted to be 10 inches of snow on Thursday has been downgraded to 3-6 inches, which will be more than plenty of snow for us to enjoy.  The temperatures really plummeted today, so it kept us inside.  Jack and Will played Wii all afternoon.  Our current favorites are Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games and Super Mario Bros Wii.

Monday, January 10

We had a blast playing in the snow!  Jack had a great idea, "Let's make snow slushies!"  So we gave it a try...filled up our Coke glasses with snow from outside and Cherry Coke.  The boys thought it was wonderful.  But doesn't food always taste better when you help create it?!?!

Tuesday, January 11

Another snow day...very rare to have 2 snow days in our neck of the woods!  And school is cancelled for tomorrow, too!  It's amazing how much laundry can get done when you are stuck at home.  

Jack's principal sent out an email announcing tomorrow's school closing saying, "It is time to take white crayons off the window frames, put jammies on right-side out, no more ice cubes in the toilet, and take the spoons out from under the bed pillows.  It's been fun to have this unexpected vacation but I am ready to get back to school!"  Not knowing what these snow day superstitions meant, Brent asked me if our principal had been drinking!

Wednesday, January 12

Snow day #3.  Annnnnd, school is cancelled for tomorrow.  We are all stir crazy at this point.  Mario and Luigi are our new best friends.  The thrill of the snow and snow-related activities has worn off.  Jack is missing his school friends and I say "LET THE CHILDREN LEARN!"  On a productive note, I was able to finish my first Kindle book today.  I may resort to drinking tomorrow...

 Thursday, January 13

Snow Schmoe.  Snow day #4 was exactly like snow day #3.  I feel like I am a character in Groundhog Day.   Annnnd, no school tomorrow.  Today, we played more Wii, read half-way through The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and invented our own board game, Candy Corner.  However, don't mention this to Hasbro because Candy Corner seems to be very similar to Candy Land.  Although Jack and Will would beg to differ because Candy Corner has a board made of real candy.  Totally different.

Friday, January 14

Snow day #5.  We are all so over it.  We are beyond "stir crazy" & "cabin fever", and have moved into the realm of "you are dancing on my last nerve".  Will looked over at me this morning and said (completely out of the blue), "Mommy, you are annoying me!"  And I just burst out laughing, because....well, because it is so true!  We have been around each other for 7 solid days now, and just the sight or sound of each other breathing is annoying!  So the boys and I busted outta here and had a little lunch date.  The change of scenery did us a world of good; we all came home liking each other again.  


Blythe said...

I am cracking up at this. Of course, Davis wants to know when we get snow. What kind of camera did you get?

Amy said...

I am so over snow! I am giddy at the thought of school starting tomorrow!

I got a Nikon point & shoot. I like being able to keep the camera in my purse for the spontaneous pics.

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