Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Different Version of New Year's Resolutions

101 Goals in 1001 days
brought to you by Day Zero

So this is it....a big year for me!  I turn 40.  And for whatever reason (I can't pinpoint it exactly), it's really bothering me.  The best I've been able to discern is that I don't feel like I should be 40, so it seems like such a big disconnect to be turning 40.

Over the last few months, I've been thinking about what I could do to use the "big 4-0 year" to 1) make changes that I've wanted to make, 2) challenge myself to grow, 3) feel empowered, 4) invest more into my relationships, 5) make a difference in my community, etc.  I've seen other bloggers do the 101 Goals in 1001 Days and the more I thought about it, it just seemed like the perfect challenge to start in my 40th year.  So here goes.... 

The Mission: 
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days. 

The Criteria: 
Tasks must be specific (no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (represent some amount of work on my part). 

Why 1001 Days? 
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.  

Below is my list, ordered into relevant categories. I am starting a separate page (located at the top of the blog) to document my journey, and I would love for you to follow along. 

My 101 Goals . . . 
January 1, 2011 -  September 28, 2013

For Me - 
1. Have an outdoor family portrait taken in the fall
2. Create a painting
3. Try 6 new, non-chain restaurants (0/6)
4. Buy 5 new outfits that I feel amazing in (0/5)
5. Take a weekend getaway with girlfriends
6. Watch It's a Wonderful Life
7. Back up all the pictures that are on the computer
8. Spend a day at the spa
9. Mani & pedi for 3 months (0/3)

For My Mind - 
10. Go to bed at 10pm for 1 week
11. Read 3 non-fiction books (0/3)
12. Read 3 biographies (0/3)
13. Read 3 parenting books (0/3)
14. Watch 3 documentaries (0/3)

For My Spirit - 
15. Memorize 1 Bible verse/month for 1 year (0/12)
16. Complete a Beth Moore Bible study
17. Spend a day listening to classical music
18. Only positive thoughts, words & actions for 1 week
19. Attend Friday Mass with Jack 6 times (0/6)

For My Marriage -
20. Set aside 1 date night/month for 3 months (0/3)
21. Affirm Brent when speaking to others
22. Go on a marriage retreat with Brent
23. Weekend getaway to NYC with Brent
24. Surprise getaway with Brent
25. Pray for our marriage while making our bed everyday for 1 month
26. Read The Five Love Languages & implement what I learn
27. For the petty irritations that arise in our marriage, chose not to make a mountain out of a molehill

For My Children -
28.  Affirm my children in a meaningful, relevant way at least once a week
29. Make a family time capsule to be opened in 10 years
30. Swim with dolphins
31. Prepare a will
32. Get a copy of Will's birth certificate
33. Read The Chronicles of Narnia with Jack
34. Go snow tubing
35. Go to an amusement park
36. Go on a family picnic
37. See a Christmas light display as a family
38. Have a family campout in the backyard 
39. Teach Jack to tie his shoes
40. Teach Will to ride his bike
41. Have a family game night
42. Go see a live nativity
43. Take a train trip somewhere
44. Spend an afternoon at the ballpark
45. Scrapbook the boys' birthdays

For My Health - 
46. Complete a 10K
47. Complete a half marathon
48. Go jogging on the beach
49. Take a yoga class 2x/week for 1 month
50. Swim for exercise 2x/week for 1 month
51. Take vitamins & supplements every day for 1 month
52. Floss every day for 1 month
53. Complete the 200 sit-ups challenge
54. Be able to do 30 regular push-ups
55. Get a mammogram
56. Go for 4 weeks without the scale while still focusing on healthy living (0/4)
57. Try a new fitness class (bootcamp, spin, step)

For My Home - 
58. Update/renovate kitchen
59. Restage/finish decorating the den
60. Buy new master bedroom furniture
61. Redecorate master bedroom
62. Buy new towels
63. Buy new cookware
64. Organize the junk drawer in the kitchen
65. Fill up the picture frame in Will's room
66. Add something I love to every room
67. Clean out/organize mail basket
68. Organize boys' school projects
69. Clean out fridge and freezers
70. Install a shelving system in the extra closet
71. Clean the ceiling fans & AC vents

For My Table - 
72. Try a new recipe 1x/week for 8 weeks (0/8)
73. Take a cooking class
74. Pre-plan meals for 1 month out & stick with the plan
75. Spend a day making meals for the freezer
76. Grow tomatoes
77. Attempt to make creme brulee`
78. Teach Jack to make 1 meal all by himself
79. Have dessert for dinner

For My Wallet - 
80. For 3 months, save the money the grocery receipt tells me I've saved (0/3)
81. Make contributions to the boys' savings accounts (0/12)
82. Fully fund the emergency fund
83. Save all loose change that I have/find for 12 months (0/12)
84. Find 5 free/unique activities to do as a family (0/5)
85. Investigate using computer software for family finances

For My Blog - 
86. Get a professional blog makeover
87. Leave a comment on 10 blogs (0/10)
88. Post a week in review post for 4 weeks straight
89. Investigate turning blog posts into scrapbooks
90. Find 5 new blogs to follow (0/5)

For Others - 
91. Make a charitable donation in honor of 4 people (0/4)
92. Do 20 random acts of kindness (0/20)
93. Invite friends over for dinner
94. Volunteer in the community with the boys
95. Have the boys select an Angel Tree child their age
96. Host a theme party
97. Send a care package to a soldier
98. Donate blood
99. Participate in Operation Christmas Child
100. Buy Christmas presents for those who have helped us throughout the year (mailman, garbage men, etc)
101. Donate $10 to charity for every item I don't complete at the end of 1001 days


LL said...

That is a fantastic list! I can't wait to see your progress. Now to investigate this phenomenon and come up with my own list, as I turn 35 this year.

Amy said...

That would be a wonderful celebration of the halfway mark! Surprisingly, I found it challenging to come up with 101. I got to about 65 and then took some time to think of the others.

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