Monday, December 20, 2010

Tis the Season

to party!   The preschool held the three year olds' Christmas program on Wednesday, December 15th and Brent and I couldn't wait to see Will perform!

The program was entitled "Up on the House Top" and they sang Up on the House Top, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Tell It, God is Good, Happy Hallelujah, Away in a Manger, Jingle Bells, and We Wish You a Merry Christmas.  I thought that was alot of songs for 3 year olds to remember, but they all did really well.

  Will walking into the sanctuary.

Earlier that morning, Will told us that he "wasn't going to sing every song", so I was curious to see if he would actually sing during the performance.  Will did sing, proving once again, that he never misses an opportunity to entertain!

The little Lord Jesus lay down his sweet head.
The picture quality is not good, but I had to include this one because it is a memory that I don't ever want to forget!
 After each song, the audience would clap...and Will would take a bow!  I don't know where he got this from because none of the other children were bowing, but Will did after every single song.  Brent and I were laughing so hard!  He is such a cut-up, even when he's not trying to be!

Going strong with the bells on Jingle Bells!

After the performance, they let all of the parents come down front to get a few pictures.  It was like the paparazzi!

Will and some of his classmates

Will and his friend having fun

After the program, we went back to Will's class for their Christmas party.  While the mothers were getting everything set up and ready, Mrs. G kept the children occupied with circle time.

First, she did a reindeer rhyme.  With each verse, the reindeer had a different colored nose and the verse rhymed with that particular color.

Then she read a Nativity story and reminded them that Christmas is about Jesus's birth.

After eating lots of yummy Christmas treats, the children made snowflake ornaments.  I love how Will is holding his mouth while he concentrates so hard.  And I was trying not to hyperventilate from all of the messy glitter glue!  Art projects are the #1 reason I send my child to preschool!

It was a wonderful morning for these two proud parents and we feel so blessed that Will is at this sweet school.


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