Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving Favorites (food & people)

For us, Thanksgiving began on Tuesday this year.  Jack and the other first graders at his school led the Thanksgiving Mass.  And it was one of the most beautiful masses I have ever attended.  Jack was the first speaker as he read a part of  "Thanksgiving Is..." to open the Mass.  All of the readings were done by the first graders, the music was wonderful, and the Archbishop gave a meaningful homily.  Brent and I said over and over that the Mass really set the tone for Thanksgiving.  The first graders were dressed as Pilgrims and the kindergarteners were dressed as the Indians, and after Mass they welcomed the Archbishop in joining them in the annual Thanksgiving feast. 

On Wednesday, we went to my parent's home to celebrate with Gramma, Granddaddy, Mimi, Aunt Karen & Uncle Matt, and Cal & Brady.  This year was dubbed "What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?" and Mom made sure that it was on the table.  Jack's favorite is the fried turkey and mashed potatoes & gravy.  Will's favorite is the dessert (shocker!).  Mom asked Cal what was his favorite thing to eat for Thanksgiving and he replied "Turkey and Cheese!"  The boy loves him some cheese....he would have been perfectly happy if Mom had set a block of cheese before him as his meal!

Brent's favorite Thanksgiving dish is his grandmother's Pork Stuffing, so he got the recipe from his mom and made it for us for the first time this year.  It was delicious, and we'll probably expect him to make it every year now!

Grandmother and I were Brent's sous chefs, and here is Grandmother (aka Mimi) prepping the celery for the stuffing.

I was chopping onion and celery too, but I was still in my glasses and pajamas and refused to let anyone take my picture.  You're welcome.

And what were the little rugrats doing?

Granddaddy and Will were playing Webkinz.  Poor Granddaddy!

And Jack was enjoying the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.  He watched the entire parade; Jack loves him a parade!

Thanksgiving dinner was fried turkey, cornbread dressing, pork stuffing, mashed potatoes & gravy, sweet potato casserole, cranberry fig relish, green bean bundles, bread pudding, and pumpkin cheesecake. Yum, yum, and yum!

And then a wee bit of activity to burn off the carbs...

A wonderful day of being with family and reflecting on all our many blessings!


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