Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Pumpkin Patch

One of our favorite fall traditions is the Pumpkin Patch.  We go to the same pumpkin patch each year, do all of our favorite activities, and just enjoy being together as a family on a crisp, beautiful fall day.

Each year, the boys look forward to the ropes course; Brent and I enjoy watching how their strength, balance and dexterity improve.

Jack and Will on the ropes.  Each one did the course without help and they went through side by side.  It was so sweet to hear them encourage and congratulate each other.

Jack and Will on the zip line.  This was Will's first year to do the zip line and he LOVED it!  And I love the look on Jack's face...pure joy!

From the ropes course, we headed to where the inflatable obstacle course was last year.  It wasn't there! In it's place were different "fair" games.

Jack created his own pumpkin person.

While Will played bean bag toss.

They both enjoyed success at the fishing pond.

It's all in how you hold your tongue.

And then we headed over to the craft area.  This year, a table was set up with different art supplies to make a fabulous mini pumpkin creation.

It's hard to see in the picture, but Will covered his little pumpkin with glitter and lots & lots of googly eyes to make a "Googly-Eyed Monster" while Jack used googly eyes and pipe cleaners to make a pumpkin spider.  Both were so cute and so creative!

 We enjoyed a picnic lunch on the lawn and the boys were amazed to see the snow machine making snow in October for Snow Mountain.  We will definitely have to go back to tube and play in the snow!

One of Will's favorite things to do is ride the train.  Right next to the train station is a putt putt golf course, so while we were waiting for the train to load and depart, we started watching the golfers.  There was one lady who putted and putted and putted before she finally got the ball in the cup.  And when she did, our little family of four cheered and clapped for her.  She was such a good sport that she bowed for us.  Well, then we just had to cheer for the next golfer...and the next golfer, and the next.  And by then, the other passengers in our train car caught on and started cheering, too.  It was really a fun, spontaneous thing!  But I am sure the golfers were happy to see our train pull away from the station so they could putt in peace!

Another fall afternoon of memories!


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