Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wild Animal Safari

On Tuesday, Mom and I took the boys (Jack, Will, C and B) on a surprise adventure to the Wild Animal Safari. It was a fun, interactive, up close and personal encounter with wild animals.

There are two parts to the safari: 1) the driving tour where you have the opportunity to feed the wild (read: domesticated) animals and 2) the walking tour where you see the wild (read: bite your head off) animals in a zoo type setting.

We started the morning off with feeding the animals. Our best decision of the day (besides buying each child their own bag of animal food) was to rent the Safari's zebra van.
Aren't our little homies cute? The zebra van is in serious need of a visit from Xzibit of Pimp My Ride; the burglar bars on the back windows are extremely important and I would also suggest that zebra van #11 could use an operational driver side window. Why?

Because the animals are not shy!

I wasn't expecting this level of friendliness, and here I am trying to drive away while simultaneously crawling into the passenger side seat (which, by the way, did have a functioning window that was closed!)

See what I mean? I was slobbered on, but managed to escape being kissed!

They have the whole "feed the animals" gig down pat and are wondering when the humans will get with the program and give us our food.

Now that is a tongue! Just after I took this pic, Jack put a feed pellet (I just made that up...I have no idea what you call their food) in the bull's mouth. I just couldn't get past the tongue!

In case you are wondering, the children weren't traumatized in the least. They loved the animals!
They were talking to them, giving the animals names, apologizing to the animals when we ran out of food, etc. Just having a grand time!

My new BFF. Ya see him givin' me the eye?!?!

After we finished feeding the wild animals, we had to make a quick stop at the snack bar to feed our own herd before heading on the walking tour. I won't bore you with pics of all the animals that we saw, except one....


That's for all of you Napoleon Dynamite fans =). Gawwwwww.....

Ok, just 2 more animals.

We had a great time; in fact, Jack wants to go back again this weekend!


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